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HTML Working Group Wiki Space Index
DanConnolly (the WG chair) doesn't yet understand why we should maintain this separate table of contents.
GregoryRosmaita (the creator of this page) intended to provide a simple index to the HTML WG wiki space - it is intended as a catch-all index that allows individuals to find what they are searching for easily; are you suggesting that this page is redundant? if so, with what can this page be replaced? this index is intended to provide the functionality that the lists of elements and attributes offers in HTML 4.01
Note: These documents are loosely categorised and listed in alphabetic order. When contributing new issue pages to this list, please omit the prefix "HTML/" from the hyperlink text, in order to keep it brief and readily distinguishable from other links. The keywords may be placed at the start to aid scanning through the lists.
Table of Contents
Accessibility/Interoperability/Internationalization Issues
- Proposal for a Better ALT
- Abbreviations in HTMLx
- Abbreviation & Initialism Expansion & Reuse in HTML
- Accessibility Dependencies of HTMLx
- Integrating WAI-ARIA into HTML5
- Explicit Association Patterns in HTML
- Long Description for Images
- Short Fallback (extending ALT to all embedded objects
- Table @headers and @abbr for backwards compatibility
- Quote Element or Elements? Strengthening Q and Deprecating BLOCKQUOTE
- Summary For TABLE
- Table Accessibility in HTML4x
- Cross-referencing and subordinate text
- Better specification of client-side image maps
- Defining terms, proper nouns, variables and abbreviations
- Eliminating block/non-block distinctions for elements
- Designating the role for embedded content
- Bookmark and clipping support
- New “marks” markup attribute on quotation elements
- Adding attributes for pronunciation semantics
- Associating attributions, citations, quotations and references
- Liaison with CSS WG regarding styling of semantics legend
- The datatype ID and the attributes|id and xml:id
- DOM and UA norms for associated data and header cells
- Certain UAs should provide redirect management
- Adding MediaElement features to the OBJECT element
- Richer UI access to document data
- Cascading input device keybinding
- Author access to menu bar for commands
- Attributes to control linking and embedding
- New content negotiation norms (for selecting among languages)
- Re-specifying document.write for use in the XML serialization
- User access to embedded media metadata properties
- Interim legacy-bridging markup
- Content model improvements for list elements
- Parsing should be specified to accommodate future updates to HTML
- Tooltip semantics and presentation
- Remove unneeded elements from document conformance criteria
- Encourage UA transparent content negotiation for media resolution and media bitrate
- Add global attributes modules
- Add a “blockcode” element
- Add a “line” (“l”) element
- Add a “datum” (“d”) element
- Rename the “irrelevant” global attribute to “declared” or “decl” to better express the meaning
- Headings and subheadings
- Metadata container confusion
- Table header cell scope
- Tree tables
- Tables as 2D structures
- New or enhanced editing API
Added Attributes & Elements
Added Attributes
- ASYNC (Added Attribute)
- AUTOCOMPLETE (Added Attribute}
- AUTOFOCUS (Added Attribute)
- CHARSET (Added Attribute)
- CONTENTEDITABLE (Added Attribute)
- CONTEXTMENU (Added Attribute)
- DATA (Added Attribute)
- DISABLED (Added Attribute)
- DRAGGABLE (Added Attribute)
- FORM (Added Attribute)
- HREFLANG (Added Attribute)
- INPUTMODE (Added Attribute)
- IRRELEVANT (Added Attribute)
- MEDIA (Added Attribute)
- ONEVENTNAME (Added Attribute)
- PING (Added Attribute)
- REPEAT (Added Attribute)
- REPEATMAX (Added Attribute)
- REPEATMIN (Added Attribute)
- REPEATSTART (Added Attribute)
- REPLACE (Added Attribute)
- REQUIRED (Added Attribute)
- SCOPED (Added Attribute)
- START (Added Attribute)
- TARGET (Added Attribute)
- TEMPLATE (Added Attribute)
- TYPE (Added Attribute)
- VALUE (Added Attribute)
Added Elements
- ARTICLE (Added Element)
- ASIDE (Added Element)
- AUDIO (Added Element)
- CANVAS (Added Element)
- COMMAND (Added Element)
- DATAGRID (Added Element)
- DATALIST (Added Element)
- DETAILS (Added Element)
- DIALOG (Added Element)
- EMBED (Added Element)
- EVENTSOURCE (Added Element)
- FIGURE (Added Element)
- FOOTER (Added Element)
- HEADER (Added Element)
- M (Added Element)
- METER (Added Element)
- NAV (Added Element)
- OUTPUT (Added Element)
- PROGRESS (Added Element)
- SECTION (Added Element)
- TIME (Added Element)
- VIDEO (Added Element)
Changed Attributes & Elements
Changed Attributes
- CLASS (Changed Attribute)
- DIR (Changed Attribute)
- ID (Changed Attribute)
- LANG (Changed Attribute)
- SCOPE (Dropped Attribute)
- TABINDEX (Changed Attribute)
Changed Elements
- A (Changed Element)
- ADDRESS (Changed Element)
- LABEL (Changed Element)
- B (Changed Element)
- I (Changed Element)
- HR (Changed Element)
- MENU (Changed Element)
- SMALL (Changed Element)
- STRONG (Changed Element)
Definitions and Clarification of Terms and Concepts
- A Common Vocabulary: Definitions & Clarifications of Terms for the HTML WG
- Serialization dependent processing differences
- Thought experiment in graceful degradation
- Current browser support for OBJECT element
- Compatibility
- Parse issues for the text/html serialization
- Parse errors for the text/html serialization
Dropped Attributes & Elements
Dropped Attributes
- ACCESSKEY (Dropped Attribute)
- ALIGN (Dropped Attribute)
- ALINK (Dropped Attribute)
- ARCHIVE (Dropped Attribute)
- AXIS (Dropped Attribute)
- BACKGROUND (Dropped Attribute)
- BGCOLOR (Dropped Attribute)
- BORDER (Dropped Attribute)
- CELLPADDING (Dropped Attribute)
- CHARSET (Dropped Attribute)
- CHAR (Dropped Attribute)
- CLEAR (Dropped Attribute)
- COMPACT (Dropped Attribute)
- FRAME (Dropped Attribute)
- FRAMEBORDER (Dropped Attribute)
- HEIGHT (Dropped Attribute)
- HSPACE (Dropped Attribute)
- MARGINHEIGHT (Dropped Attribute)
- NAME (Dropped Attribute)
- NOHREF (Dropped Attribute)
- NOSHADE (Dropped Attribute)
- NOWRAP (Dropped Attribute)
- PROFILE (Dropped Attribute)
- REV (Dropped Attribute)
- SCHEME (Dropped Attribute)
- SCROLLING (Dropped Attribute)
- SHAPE (Dropped Attribute)
- SIZE (Dropped Attribute)
- TARGET (Dropped Attribute)
- TYPE (Dropped Attribute)
- VALIGN (Dropped Attribute)
- VALUETYPE (Dropped Attribute)
- VERSION (Dropped Attribute)
- WIDTH (Dropped Attribute)
Dropped Elements
- APPLET (Dropped Element)
- BASEFONT (Dropped Element)
- BIG (Dropped Element)
- CENTER (Dropped Element)
- DIR (Dropped Element)
- FONT (Dropped Element)
- FRAME (Dropped Element)
- FRAMESET (Dropped Element)
- ISINDEX (Dropped Element)
- NOFRAMES (Dropped Element)
- NOSCRIPT (Dropped Element)
- S (Dropped Element)
- STRIKE (Dropped Element)
- TT (Dropped Element)
- U (Dropped Element)
Miscellaneous Issues
Uncategorized/Uncatergorizable Issues
- Author Syntax for HTML
- Declarative Expressions for Web Forms 2.0
- Default Style Sheet for HTMLx (05)
- HTML DocTypes
- Forms Use Cases
- HTML As She Are Spoke
- HTML Test Materials
- Issue Tracker Requirements for HTML WG
- Proposed Chained Classsnames
- Proposed Design Principles
- Rich Text Input 03
- Semantic Markup for Poetic Forms
- Sequencing Of Elements In Head
- Specification Reviews
- Style attribute
- XTech2007 BoF
- Summary of text fallback
Creating Issue Pages
If you did not find an issue listed which you wish to address, please use the HTML Issue Template to create a new issue document. If you have created an issue wiki page, please add it to the list above by editing this document.
Only create a new page when you have useful content to go on it. (Care with empty/template topics and OnlyMakeInterestingPages).
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