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From HTML WG Wiki
Parsing specified for future updates
Problem statement / use cases
We must specify the parsing algorithm for HTML5 to facilitate the easiest adoption of new elements in the future.
- UAs do not generally make use of DTD or other parsing definitions so parsing is coded into the UA
- Different UAs handle unknown (or new) elements in different non-interoperable ways
- Parsing unknown elements as block elements prevents the introduction to legacy UAs of new inline elements (instead invoking implied P element clost tags)
- Parsing unknown elements as void elements prevents the introduction to legacy UAs of new non-void elements
- Parsing which moves unknown elements to the body from the head or from the head to the body prevents the introduction of new elements
- The lack of a shortcut mechanism to signal void elements requires the cumbersome use of close tags for newly introduced void elements for legacy UA processing
Proposed solutions
Ensure the parsing algorithm for HTML5:
- processes unknown elements in place (remaining in the head or the body wherever the author includes them)
- treats unknown elements as inline elements so as to not force a implicit P close tag when encountered
- allows authors to use the “/” for self-closing void elements, newly introduced void elements and hence any unknown elements with a self-closing tag should be treated as closed for purposes of tree construction
- adds an "in span" insertion mode where implicit P (paragraph) element close tags are not generated (except for another immediate child P element opening tag).
- adds a "b" boolean attribute to the P element to allow inline-block content (blockquotes, tables and lists)
Discussion and evaluation
WG members should post feedback and other discussion to the WG’s list serve (the URI for the links below provides date information). Search on this email subject.
See also