
Participation policies and recommendations

Before you register to attend a meeting, please read the below participation policies and recommendations, intended to promote participation while ensuring that meeting Chairs have the tools necessary to run their meetings effectively. They apply both for in-person and remote participation.

See also: Health rules and covid safety expectations

W3C meetings operate under our Code of Conduct.


Working, Interest, Business and Community Group meetings

Registration and attendance are open to:

Observer and guest attendance: Eligible participants may attend as an observer any group meetings that are open to observers. (See Chair contact information.)

Community Group participants: Any participant of a CG scheduled to meet may attend other group meetings as an observer.


Breakout sessions

The breakout sessions are scheduled on Wednesday September 25.

Registration and attendance are open to:

We also offer a set of breakouts open to the broader public: We particularly welcome
individuals from communities that are underrepresented in tech in general, and W3C discussions in particular. No prior experience with W3C is needed, all are welcome.

Breakouts that are requested to be public will be open to anyone with a W3C account to join remotely, free of charge, without a TPAC registration. For more details on breakout sessions please see the schedule for Wednesday.


Advisory Committee session

Advisory Committee Meetings are Member-only meetings that
focus on strategic issues facing the Consortium and future
directions envisioned by the Membership and W3C staff.

Participation in the Advisory Committee Meeting is open to the
Advisory Committee Representative from each Member

With respect to the Process Document limitation of one representative per Member, the Chair has decided to allow Members to send two representatives when the second has been designated as an alternate. See instructions for appointing an alternate if your
organization has not yet done so.

The Board of Directors, the Technical Architecture Group (TAG), Advisory Board (AB), Chairs, and Chapters staff are invited and
encouraged to attend.


W3C@30 gala

All participants already attending the above sessions are welcome to attend the W3C 30th anniversary celebration.



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