[Odrl-version2] How to Specify Attribution?

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Mon Jan 10 16:43:37 EST 2011

On 29 Dec 2010, at 07:02, Myles, Stuart wrote:

> In looking at http://odrl.net/wiki/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=3&forumId=1 it appears that we toyed with specifying the exact string to use for attribution.

We decided at Namur to not support the internal asset - and let the communities decide how to "package" ODRL with other content.
> However, the thread ends up by saying "Files that have to be transported along with a Policy should be combined with it with mechanisms that are defined elsewhere." I think that this means that when there is a duty of attribution (or attribute) then the exact string to use for attribution is not specified in the ODRL.  Is that right?
Yes. We currently say that "attribute" may link to an Asset for the attribution information.
> Is there an example anywhere of the right way to do it?
Something like:

   <o:duty uid="d1">
            <o:action name="o:attribute"/>
            <o:asset uid="#attributeAsset"/>
<dc:creator xml:id="attributeAsset">Mary Smith</dc:creator>

Does that seem ok?


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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