[Odrl-version2] Spatial constraints

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Fri Nov 19 12:38:56 EST 2010

On 18 Nov 2010, at 20:53, Francis Cave wrote:

> I fully accept that wishing to constrain the “from” would be much rarer than wishing to constrain the “to”, but both are rather more than a theoretical case.

Can we express these as new (range) Operators: from, to ?

 <o:constraint name="o:spatial" operator="o:from" rightOperand="iso3166:AU"/>
<o:constraint name="o:spatial" operator="o:to" rightOperand="iso3166:UK"/>
PS: we had Range in Version 1.1


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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