[Odrl-version2] Spatial constraints

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Thu Nov 18 21:53:44 EST 2010

David Martin has suggested that "source" is a confusing term. By "source" I
mean "the location where the action is performed". The "target" only makes
sense if the action involves a result in another location. So, for example,
one might wish to distribute an asset from one country to another country.
The policy for that asset may either be that it cannot be distributed from a
country (e.g. because someone else has an exclusive right to do that), or
that it cannot be distributed to a country (e.g. for the same reason).


I fully accept that wishing to constrain the "from" would be much rarer than
wishing to constrain the "to", but both are rather more than a theoretical







From: odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net [mailto:odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net]
On Behalf Of ri at odrl.net
Sent: 18 November 2010 08:31
To: ODRL-Version2
Subject: Re: [Odrl-version2] Spatial constraints



On 18 Nov 2010, at 09:15, Francis Cave wrote:

David Martin has pointed out to me that two types of constraint would
probably be rather better than two types of action. For example "source
location of action" and "target location of action". I could imagine use
cases in which both spatial and virtual locations would need to be expressed
as constraints on either source or target location.


Hi Francis - I am a bit fuzzy on the source/target idea.


Can you share a use case ?




Renato Iannella

ODRL Initiative



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