[Odrl-version2] Core Model: Roles, Parties and Assets

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Tue Nov 9 13:25:30 EST 2010

On 9 Nov 2010, at 00:28, David Martin wrote:

> This crops up all the time in licensing of electronic resources to academic libraries, often in connection with what ONIX would call an "Include" permission.  For example: "include licensed content part in printed course pack" or "include licensed content part in digital instructional material" or include licensed content part in academic work" (such as a thesis or dissertation).  The asset (or, in ONIX language, resource) used is a licensed content part, and there is another ("target") asset or resource which is the thing in which a copy of the original asset may be included.

OK - I think we touched on this use case at the Namur Meeting...

In this case, we can define a Duty (action="include") and link to the Asset (eg the license content part)

(Duties can have Assets associated with them, but not direct from an Action.)


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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