[Odrl-version2] ODRL meets Social Networks

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Thu Mar 11 13:57:08 EST 2010

On 10 Mar 2010, at 18:59, Helge Hundacker wrote:

> One question is, if these expressions are from a known namespace (e.g. like dublincore). Are there namespaces like that? I'm not an expert in these field. Perhaps we can find something at http://www.opensocial.org/.

I have not seen the requirement from OpenSocial, but have seen it from OneSocialWeb [1].

If you look at Example 8 from their Access Control section [2] you can see a natural mapping to ODRL.

Something like:

  <o:asset uid="http://onesocialweb.org/spec/1.0/"/>
  <o:party uid="http://odrl.net/2.0/party/everyone" role="...assignee"/>
  <o:action name="http:/odrl.net/2.0/action/display"/>
  <o:asset uid="http://onesocialweb.org/spec/1.0/"/>
  <o:party uid="mailto:hamlet at denmark.lit" role="...assignee"/>
  <o:party uid="mailto:othelo at venice.lit" role="...assignee"/>
  <o:action name="http:/odrl.net/2.0/action/modify"/>

I have mentioned this to the OneSocialWeb people and got a good response.


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

[1] http://onesocialweb.org
[2] http://onesocialweb.org/spec/1.0/xep-osw-activities.html#sect-id2774754

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