[Odrl-version2] Some comments concerning Assigner/Assignee

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Wed Mar 3 11:57:04 EST 2010

On 3 Mar 2010, at 01:41, Helge Hundacker wrote:

>>  <o:party xml:idref="P1" role="http://odrl.net/2.0/role/assigner/" />
>> And P1 can then describe the Party separate from the role...
> I'm not an XML expert, but isn't the semantics of this statement nearly the same like in the old notification?
> Arn't attributes global? I think, if a tool will interpete that statemant, this means, that the role is bound to the id, which then will mean, that the party knows as "P1" is always an assigner. But maybe I'm wrong.

Attributes are scoped to the enclosing Element, and elements scoped to parent elements.

So, in our case, the role is "linked" to the party (a specific context), which in turn is linked to its parent Permission.

The idref points to more info about the party.


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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