[Odrl-version2] Core Model corrected / Input on Duties in wiki

Daniel Pähler tulkas at uni-koblenz.de
Thu Jun 24 23:51:54 EST 2010

Dear all,

since our last Skype conference, the Koblenz fraction has finished several of 
our tasks, which I'd like to inform you about.

Andreas and I have gone through the latest Core Model Draft Specification [1], 
correcting several small errors (e.g., it still referred to the Core Profile in 
several places) and especially unifying the syntax highlighting. After 
consulting Renato, we uploaded this document without a new version number, 
since the actual content was not changed. If you still want the old document, 
it can be found at [2], but it is not linked to from anywhere else.

By and large, the document looks like before, but when looked at closely, it 
should now follow the style guide more accurately. Since this style guide was 
rather implicit before, we took the liberty of creating an explicit style 
guide and putting it into the wiki [3].

Regarding our action points for the Common Vocabulary / Duties, we talked 
about how the Duties can be realized without the "Object" entity, but with our 
suggested structure involving an Asset and a "secondAgent" relation. I wrote 
our results down in the new wiki [4] since the version in the PBworks wiki had 
not actually been worked on and since we had agreed to migrate to the new wiki 
as soon as it's available.

When we talked about the Duties, we did not only add the above mentioned 
suggestions, but we also tried to make the whole table, i.e. the identifiers, 
explanations and comments clearer and easier to understand. I think we could 
benefit from the wiki character by simply working in the article itself; 
Tikiwiki might even have some other features that could be useful for us to 
discuss the possible changes (forums?).

What we have not yet done is create a table for the Duties with three extra 
columns "Semantics if used as Permission", "Semantics if used as Prohibition", 
"Semantics if used as Duty", but if we actually agree to have these columns in 
the Common Vocabulary for each action, they can still be made after we have 
discussed the semantics in general.

A final note: before any of you begins editing pages in the new wiki, I'd 
recommend you read the "Notes for contributors" that I put on the wiki's main 
page [5], so you hopefully won't have all the trouble with Tikiwiki that 
Andreas and I had.

We hope to get some feedback soon!
Greetings from Koblenz,

[1] http://odrl.net/2.0/DS-ODRL-Model-20090923.html (new version)
[2] http://odrl.net/2.0/DS-ODRL-Model-20090923_oldsyntax.html (old version)
[3] http://odrl.net/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Style+Guide
[4] http://odrl.net/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Common+Vocabulary+%2F+Duties
[5] http://odrl.net/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=HomePage
Dipl.-Inform. Daniel Pähler

Institute for IS Research
University of Koblenz-Landau
Universitaetsstrasse 1
D-56070 Koblenz
Fon +49-(0)261-287-2644
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