[Odrl-version2] Teleconf Notes

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Thu Jun 10 11:06:07 EST 2010

ODRL Version 2.0 Working Group Teleconference (SKYPE)
Wed 9 June 2010 (UTC 11:00, Frankfurt 13:00, Boston 07:00, Brisbane 21:00)

Attendees: RenatoI, SusanneG, HelgeH, AndreasK, StuartM, DanielP


0 - Last Meeting Notes [0]

1 - Version 2.0 Model [1]
  - Updated Model [1a] and Example [1b]
  - XML Examples [1c, 1d]

  Object Class - do we really need it? Can we use the Asset:
  See proposal: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~aggrimm/ODRL/ODRL_core_model.png
  Action: Review the Duties in Section 2.2.2 and propose how the new model may work [HH, AK,  DP]
2 - Version 2.0 Common Vocabulary [2]
  - Latest Update [2a]

  Action: Need to review each Action for better semantics and Perm/Prohibit/Duty context [DP and SM]
  Setup collaborative Wiki (http://odrl.pbworks.com/) to edit definitions
3 - Version 2.0 XML Encoding [3]

  Need to resolve Model changes before any major changes to XML Encoding
4 - Version 2.0 Other Encodings
  - Microformats/Microdata
  AK working on RDF model (paper submitted to VG Workshop)
  DP close to finishing RDFa Profile (student working on it)
  RI working XMPP Profile

5 - VirtualGoods+ODRL Workshop  (30 Sept - 1 Oct 2010 Namur, Belgium) [5]
  - ODRL WG Meeting 30 Sept (Agenda & Attendees)
  Please keep dates clear and plan to attend both full days

6 - 10th Anniversary 

  Updated ODRL Web Site in July
7 - AOB
  ACAP to start work on a "NEWS Profile" for ODRL V2.0
  Will primarily use XML encoding

8 - Next Call

  Wed 4 August UTC 11:00

[0] http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2010-March/000130.html
[1] http://odrl.net/2.0/DS-ODRL-Model.html
[1a] http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2010-May/000151.html
[1b] http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2010-May/000152.html
[1c] http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2010-May/000153.html
[1d] http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2010-May/000154.html
[2] http://odrl.net/2.0/WD-ODRL-Vocab.html
[2a] http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2010-May/000158.html
[3] http://odrl.net/2.0/WD-ODRL-XML.html
[5] http://virtualgoods.org/2010/

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