[Odrl-version2] XML Encoding - early WD release

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Tue Feb 23 16:25:17 EST 2010

On 23 Feb 2010, at 08:30, Myles, Stuart wrote:

> 1. Identifier and Identifier Reference Attribute Names
> There is some inconsistency in the naming and use of identifiers and
> references to identifiers.  For example, you use @uid for //asset and
> //party, @id for //duty and @resource for //action and //measure.  I
> suggest standardizing on @id/@idref for all of them.

Stuart - these names map onto what we used in the Core Model (for consistency).
("resource" should be "name" for actions)

We could change the model and use the same term for all (that reference to a URI)?

We use id/idref purely as an internal XML linking mechanism.
(these attributes should be prefixed with "xml:")

> 2. Structure of Identifiers
> You use URNs and URIs for various identifiers.  I suggest you consider
> adopting the CURIE syntax http://www.w3.org/TR/curie/ which allows for a
> very compact syntax that allows identifiers to be globally unique, but
> doesn't impose centralized control.

Will this be more work for implementors, as we would have to define these elements as containing both URIs and CURIES?

I can understand using them for a micro-format?


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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