[Odrl-version2] XML Encoding - early WD release

Myles, Stuart SMyles at ap.org
Thu Feb 25 01:49:41 EST 2010

Leaving aside the contents of the identifiers (CURIEs or URIs), let me
see if I can illustrate my other suggestions? I suggest that ODRL needs
to more clearly distinguish an identifier from a reference to an
identifier.  And I think that the current encoding requires (or at least
allows) quite a lot of duplication of markup.  I think that reducing
this duplication and distinguishing identifiers from references to
identifiers will result in a simpler processing model for clients of

Here, I've combined two bits of example markup from
http://odrl.net/2.0/WD-ODRL-XML-20100212.html - specifically, I took the
"4.2 Offer" example markup and blended in the asset and party details
from section "3. XML Encoding".  Is the following correct ODRL markup
per the current encoding model?

    <o:rights xmlns:o="http://odrl.net/2.0/" uid="urn:exp:0231"
            <o:asset uid="urn:music:4545">
                <d:title>+555 5555 5555 Inc</d:title>
                <d:creator>+555 5555 5555 Inc</d:creator>
            <o:action resource="http://odrl.net/2.0/action/play"/>
            <o:duty idref="1"/>
            <o:party uid="urn:sony:10"
                <v:org>Sony Music International Inc</v:org>
                <v:tel>+555 5555 5555 Inc</v:tel>
            <o:asset uid="urn:music:4545">
                <d:title>+555 5555 5555 Inc</d:title>
                <d:creator>+555 5555 5555 Inc</d:creator>
            <o:action resource="http://odrl.net/2.0/action/copy"/>
            <o:constraint name="http://odrl.net/2.0/constraint/count"
            <o:duty idref="1"/>
            <o:party uid="urn:sony:10"
                <v:org>Sony Music International Inc</v:org>
                <v:tel>+555 5555 5555 Inc</v:tel>
        <o:duty id="1">
            <o:action resource="http://odrl.net/2.0/action/pay"/>
            <o:object measure="http://odrl.net/2.0/object/EUR"
            <o:party uid="urn:sony:10"

The ability or need to repeat the details of the asset and party in each
permission block strikes me as odd.  If an asset has those details, is
it necessary to repeat them exactly in each permission?  What is a
client meant to do if there are different details in each permission
(e.g. one has the d:title and the other has the d:creator)?  What
happens if there are different d:title values in each asset - should
they aggregrate them together?  (Assets can certainly have more than one
title, right?)  It seems to me a fairly complex processing model to
fully specify and comply with.

I like how the duty is represented - it is referenced in the two
permissions and defined in its own block.  I suggest doing the same
thing for asset and party.  That would give us something like this:

    <o:rights xmlns:o="http://odrl.net/2.0/" uid="urn:exp:0231"
            <o:asset idref="urn:music:4545" />
            <o:action resource="http://odrl.net/2.0/action/play"/>
            <o:duty idref="1"/>
            <o:party idref="urn:sony:10"
role="http://odrl.net/2.0/role/assigner/" />
            <o:asset idref="urn:music:4545" />
            <o:action resource="http://odrl.net/2.0/action/copy"/>
            <o:constraint name="http://odrl.net/2.0/constraint/count"
            <o:duty idref="1"/>
            <o:party uid="urn:sony:10"
role="http://odrl.net/2.0/role/assigner/" />
        <o:duty id="1">
            <o:action resource="http://odrl.net/2.0/action/pay"/>
            <o:object measure="http://odrl.net/2.0/object/EUR"
            <o:party idref="urn:sony:10"
        <o:asset id="urn:music:4545">
            <d:title>+555 5555 5555 Inc</d:title>
            <d:creator>+555 5555 5555 Inc</d:creator>
        <o:party id="urn:sony:10">
            <v:org>Sony Music International Inc</v:org>
            <v:tel>+555 5555 5555 Inc</v:tel>

This is slightly more concise but - more importantly - it is much
simpler to process:  assets, duties and parties are all references
within the permission blocks.  The role of a party within a permission
block is labeled within that block, rather than being inherent to the
party itself.  There's no question as to where and how often to include
the party or asset details, there's no possibility of contradiction or

Does this make sense?  If not, can you explain why it is a good idea for
duty to be modeled in this way, but not asset or party?



-----Original Message-----
From: odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net
[mailto:odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net] On Behalf Of ri at odrl.net
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 12:25 AM
To: ODRL-Version2
Subject: Re: [Odrl-version2] XML Encoding - early WD release

On 23 Feb 2010, at 08:30, Myles, Stuart wrote:

> 1. Identifier and Identifier Reference Attribute Names
> There is some inconsistency in the naming and use of identifiers and
> references to identifiers.  For example, you use @uid for //asset and
> //party, @id for //duty and @resource for //action and //measure.  I
> suggest standardizing on @id/@idref for all of them.

Stuart - these names map onto what we used in the Core Model (for
("resource" should be "name" for actions)

We could change the model and use the same term for all (that reference
to a URI)?

We use id/idref purely as an internal XML linking mechanism.
(these attributes should be prefixed with "xml:")

> 2. Structure of Identifiers
> You use URNs and URIs for various identifiers.  I suggest you consider
> adopting the CURIE syntax http://www.w3.org/TR/curie/ which allows for
> very compact syntax that allows identifiers to be globally unique, but
> doesn't impose centralized control.

Will this be more work for implementors, as we would have to define
these elements as containing both URIs and CURIES?

I can understand using them for a micro-format?


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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