[Odrl-version2] XML Encoding - early WD release

Myles, Stuart SMyles at ap.org
Tue Feb 23 09:30:14 EST 2010

Some quick thoughts on the XML encoding.  Overall comment - it looks
good!  I like how you are making extensive use other vocabularies via
XML namespaces, promoting reuse and extensibility right from the start.
Now some questions and suggestions.

1. Identifier and Identifier Reference Attribute Names
There is some inconsistency in the naming and use of identifiers and
references to identifiers.  For example, you use @uid for //asset and
//party, @id for //duty and @resource for //action and //measure.  I
suggest standardizing on @id/@idref for all of them.

2. Structure of Identifiers
You use URNs and URIs for various identifiers.  I suggest you consider
adopting the CURIE syntax http://www.w3.org/TR/curie/ which allows for a
very compact syntax that allows identifiers to be globally unique, but
doesn't impose centralized control.

3. Nesting
I suggest "flattening" the structure as much as possible, by moving the
elaboration of the details of an item (such as an asset or a party) out
of the permission.  (You have done this for duty).  This allows for
maximal reuse with minimal duplication.

4. An Example
I can provide examples for all of the above.  But here is the example
XML from section 3
http://odrl.net/2.0/WD-ODRL-XML-20100212.html#section-3 rewritten to
conform to my suggestions, as an illustration

    <o:rights xmlns:o="http://odrl.net/2.0/"
            <o:action idref="action:play"/>
            <o:party idref="sonyparty:10"
            <o:asset idref="sonymusic:4545" />

        <o:party id="sonyparty:10">
            <v:org>Sony Music International Inc</v:org>
            <v:tel>+555 5555 5555 Inc</v:tel>
        <o:asset id="sonymusic:4545">
            <d:title>+555 5555 5555 Inc</d:title>
            <d:creator>+555 5555 5555 Inc</d:creator>

Note that there are some things missing from my example - such as an
indication of how to map the CURIEs ("action:play") into the actual URIs
(http://odrl.net/2.0/action/play).  If there's interest in my
suggestion, I promise to create a more fully worked out example.



-----Original Message-----
From: odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net
[mailto:odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net] On Behalf Of ri at odrl.net
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 1:27 AM
To: ODRL-Version2
Subject: [Odrl-version2] XML Encoding - early WD release

Dear all - the ODRL V2.0 XML Encoding Working Draft is now available:


This is an *early* release of the yet to be completed WD to gather some
quick feedback on the proposed encoding style.

Please send any comments to the list....

Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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msk dccc60c6d2c3a6438f0cf467d9a4938

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