XML Community Greetings

The greeting card is closed to new entries. Greetings 160 to 141 (of 419 total) displayed below.



I am starting today to learn the languange that you have been modifying

for the past 10 years. I hope for the next decade to be able master it.


Sardys nube07@aol.com, sent on 2008-04-18


Tu lengua materna cumple 10 años, felicidades!!!!! me refiero al XML no al español

Adolfo Tavizon adolfo@cuatromedios.com, sent on 2008-04-18

Per molts anys XML

Anys i anys, per molts anys a les 10 per molts anys :-)

Àlex Corretgé corretge@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-18

XML 10!


nenette mokeke42@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-18

Life @techsavvy

Happy Session to All Users!!!

sudeep mellothelogo@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-18

I wish you. Happy 10 years of successful performance. I am a student of NIIT. I want to know more about XML.


Vinod Patel r080002900442_vinod@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-04-18

Very Literally Uniting The World..

Congratulations on XML10..!

XML Sitemaps, my first "real" exposure to XML a few years ago, have been

*SUCH* a boon to my personal web design efforts..

Looking forward to bumping it up a notch through the RDF(a) and LOD communities with *YOUR* help, especially through the ever-increasing, *MUCH* appreciated advancements towards [cognitive disability-related]

accessibility of the Standards.. Yeehaw..!

Cyber hugs..!

Cindy Sue

Butterfly Bytes

Six. Almost Seven..

Talking Rock, Georgia

Cindy Sue Causey ButterflyBytes@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-18

Happy B-day!

Where would I be without you. Happy Birthday.

Lawk Salih lsalih@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-18

XML is 10 Years old!

Wow - XML is 10 years old and you probably know very little about how much it has changed the way you use a computer. Me either....

LeAnn Wylie leann.wylie@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-18

XML is real evolution of Web...

XML은 Web과 Internet에 있어서 공기와 같은 존재가 아닐까?

언제, 어디에나 존재하지만 보이지도 만져지지도 않는

그런 존재.

오랜만에 Eve Maler의 근황정보도 보았습니다.

KwangMin Lee kwangmin.lee@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-16

Happy birthday!

생일 축하한다!

만 열살. 청소년기에 들어선 너를

나는 오늘 처음 배우는구나

잘 지내보자.

가까이서 지켜볼께

Hyunwoong Ko khu0117@hanyang.ac.kr, sent on 2008-04-16

Happy Birthday

Dear XML,

Happy Birthday

I really happy with you

Mohammed Issa palcoder1@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-16

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Mohammed Zahran funky_fresh33@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-04-15

Congratulation XML

Happy new year XML

I'm going to learn XML soon Allah willing.

Mohammed Zahran funky_fresh33@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-04-15

Happy birthday Darling

Dear XML

i wish to you happy birthday



Ahmed Abulnasser Support@egysolutions.net, sent on 2008-04-14

Ronny Timmermans

Standards are a blessing to the world. They have made other industries to what they are today. Thanks to XML, information becomes processable and interpretable. Finally, we are talking (more) about content, and not about form or format. XML will in the next 10 years change the way we handle documents, as it is rapidly doing for data exchange today. Forget about the war between ODF and Open XML, let the best editor establish XML as the universal document format.

Ronny Timmermans rtimmermans@xenit.eu, sent on 2008-04-11

A real teenager!

Dear XML, like every teenager, you try to forget your parents heritage but please, one day, reconsider the vertues of SGML (conciseness, adaptation to human input) !

Christophe Dupriez dupriez@destin.be, sent on 2008-04-11

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum zehnten XML-Geburtstag/Jubiläum. XML hat die Welt verändert. Und das darauf Aufbauende oder Verwandte wie XSL, RDF, RSS, SPARQL, OWL wird die Welt noch viel stärker verändern. Hoffentlich werden wir bald alle unsere Solarzellen-Dächer, Energie-Windräder, Biogas-Erzeuger oder 3D-Drucker via XML ansteuern können wie das bereits mit 2D-Druckmaschinen (Offset und Digital!) und dem XML-Derivat "JDF"

der Fall ist (siehe www.cip4.org).

Das M-Zine MobilePublisher gratuliert auf: http://mpub.mobi/node/391 !!!

MobilePublisher tmp@mpub.mobi, sent on 2008-04-10

ten year

xml is the best language

sunke sunkepie@yahoo.com.cn, sent on 2008-04-10

Greeting from janathg@gmail.com

congrats for the last decade.

actually, I'm starting today ... learning xml.....

janathg@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-09