XML Community Greetings

The greeting card is closed to new entries. Greetings 140 to 121 (of 419 total) displayed below.




Without XML there would be no OpenAjax

I am an evangelist for jsON ( Doug Crockford discovered it, I just own JSON.Com ), but I use XML EVERYWHERE - in my databases in my tier logic, in xHtml

Ric Johnson Ric@OpenAjax.Com, sent on 2008-04-08

Thanks W3C

Thanks W3C for XML, a base for data interoperability, thanks also for all applications working on it.

Simone Onofri simone@onofri.net, sent on 2008-04-08

Greetings from Holland


Jan Scheeres j.scheeres2@chello.nl, sent on 2008-04-08

Congratulations for 10 year completion

One unforgetable thing which helped me to develop webbase lotus domino applications.

ravi chekuru ravi.chekuru@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-08



<greeting>my best wishes to one of my favorite programming languages

after html :) </greeting>


Carlos Varela carlosvarela@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-07

Greeting from el hemo



Lo Mejor pra' voçe

el hemo hemo@hemo.com, sent on 2008-04-07

10 anni di innovazione

Un grazie di cuore per 10 anni di servizi organizzati e strutturati.

Una piccola grande innovazione che ormai permea tutti i campi dell'IT.

Buon compleanno!

Roberto Bellingeri bellingeri@netguru.it, sent on 2008-04-04


Hello world ;)

Jason Lane jason.lane@thomson.com, sent on 2008-04-02

Hi Guys! Happy Birthday

Happy 10th Birthday, Here's to 10 more!!!!

Dale O\'Gorman dpogorman@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-01

10 anni di XML

Grazie XML, grazie W3C!

Queste sono le vere rivoluzioni che prima o poi servono a tutti, ma

proprio a tutti!



Thanks XML, thanks W3C!

These are the real revolutions, which - sooner or later - will grant

everyone (really everyone!!!) concrete advantages.


Roberto Castaldo - IWA Italy rcastaldo@ebaccessibile.org, sent on 2008-04-01


It is good to know that XML 10years..

Enjoy using with XML..


Stanely hippoho2005@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-29

XML Congrats

XML Congrats

Kamal Kamala.Kannan@mtvncontractor.com, sent on 2008-03-28

Welcome XML

Hi Welcome to XML Celebration

dinesh ajaxdinesh@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-28

10 Años

Felicitaciones por estos diez años!!!

He trabajado con XML los últimos 5 años de mi vida y ha sido una

experiencia con muchos desafios que realmente valen la pena.


Cesar Ariza cesarariza@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-27

Tagged Decade

Its very happy to know that we can celbrate the anniversaries of softwares, language and great thoughts. The past decade was mostly influenced by xml than any other data manupulation language. Without xml standardization, the developments in field of basic internet to latest web services which dominated in almost all programming technologies and domains will be incomplete. Almost 50 percent of todays software aided services have their

courtesy towards XML, the hero.

Althogh in a simple form it extents its hands to the most complex domains,

and simplify them.

Thanks for the remarkable discovery.

Sandeep vksandeep@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-27

Long live XML!

My hearty congradulation for XML for completing 10 years and my best wishes for the XML technology to grow more, pass through many more evolutionary


I want to convey my best wishes for all the children of XML,namely XSL, XSD, XHTML, DTD, and one and all in the family.

Balamurali Balaji bbmurali_2000@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-03-27

10 Years of XML

I want to say that

XML is fantastic.

Prateek prateek@bytechindia.com, sent on 2008-03-27

The Beginning

I have used XML just only one month.You can say I'am a frash man, but

I'am very like XML way to make a website.

My best wish to XML

YinZhu zhuyin@wuhua.csu.edu.cn, sent on 2008-03-26

Pure XML for everything

Thanks for truly well worked standards.

I believe that another ten years will make this the main standard on the


Especially XSLT works !

Though it is tedious to learn ...

The support of unicode utf-8 makes it superior ;o)

Michael Kenneth Rasch michael.rasch@xmlsoap.dk, sent on 2008-03-24

Greeting from Pavan Keely

Cool...It's really good to know. XML rocks...Happy birthday.

Pavan Keely

Pavan Keely pavan.keely@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-24

From Brazil

XML10! I will learn know, i was waiting for the 10st birthday to learn.

Luano luanocesar@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-28

Happy Bday

Happy Bday To The Bestest Technology ever... :)


Swanand Pol, sent on 2008-04-07