XML Community Greetings

The greeting card is closed to new entries. Greetings 180 to 161 (of 419 total) displayed below.


Anonymous greeting

bravo!C'est bien!C'est tres bravo! It is superb

sent on 2008-05-05


Bravo! Je vien de voir que les XML fêtes déjà leurs 10 ans d'ancienté. Tandis que le html est une référence depuis 1994 et toujours utilisé

comme structure par défault.

Qui aurait crut que la toile deviendrait si riche de contenu dynamique! Je me rapelle avoir eu un 286 sur win 3.1 et naviguer sur le web sans trop de probleme avec mes 8 mb de ram et mon turbo a 36 herz. Réscament j'ai testé un Pentium 2, car je monte des ordi recyclés pour des amis sans moyen. Et cette machine ne supportais pas dutout le nouveua rythme de l'interface windows xp et le WEB, c'était le gel si je tombais sur un site comme my space, car le contenu rendait mon ordinateur inutilisable.

Je crois qu'il est bon pour la casse!

Motivé a souhait, je carbure au amphete pour créer et avancer dans le milieu informatique, ce n'est pas l'idéal mais c'est vraiment une activité qui manque pas d'avenue. De tutoriel pour configurer la résolution à l'édition de virus transformer en TXT(je suis totalement infectés j'essais trop de trucs inconnus) Pour ensuite voir ce que ce fichier fais réellement dans mon system, car les fameur crack...sont identifier comme tel, moi la pauvreté. me suis depuis mon jeune age, pensez vous réellement que j'aurais payer 500$ pour mamuser avec illustrator ou FLstudio...Ceux ci me permette de me réaliser en art graphique et en art muscal sans vendre le fruit de mes accomplissement....J'avais comme idée de traiter le texte comme suit: if (var_consone.char = 4) this.word = ERROR.return_string la syntax est improviser mais, NAME: qrtfa <-- q&r&t&f =4_C a=1_V ..OU la sémentique du pouce de clavier... a-LFT-(s) a-UP-(q) a-DWN-(z) Fonction qui calcule les probabiliter que ceci : sefhsi <-- sois tapper au haard et suivent une

règle de statistique de lettres qui ce voisine...

Sqlut <- (Q<->A) FR:FRANCE q=center CA:fr multi-langue standard a=center

Les windows francais que nous avaons au quebec sont pris en compte au départ comme si nous serieons en franca...En tout cas je vous laisse bonne traduction ...Et des génie comme vous ca me laisse Bouchbé..VERS la vie synthétique et la formule mathématique a variable auto transactionelle

michel mike20paradis@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-05-04

Kudus to XML

XML, XML and simply XML everywhere

Geo John geojohn@gmail.com, sent on 2008-05-02

XML is 10

a good post about XML's 10th burthday here:


Ian Ring ian@ianring.com, sent on 2008-05-02

Happy anniversary!!

this is the great time for say greeting to the great part of Open Standard exchange...XML...thank you for the excellent coming to information age..I'll waiting for the next deal of it..

weeweewawa wee_l_wa@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-05-01

xml, forever young!

XML for me is an eXtra Milestone for Learning more.

Happy decade of learning.



Udayan iamudayan@gmail.com, sent on 2008-05-01

Happy Anniversary!

A decade of excellence! Keep it!

Bearking bearbm@gmail.com, sent on 2008-05-01

Great Website

Congratulations for 10 years of completition.

Karthik Reddy Chintaparthi karthikc1985@gmail.com, sent on 2008-05-01


congrats my buddy (XML), i simply love it. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm haan

Sajjad Haider sani723@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-30

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday XML,

becoming the lingua franca for 21th century computer systems!

Sebastian Eberhard, sent on 2008-04-30


tens years in the making

sent on 2008-04-30

A Casa do Java

Thank's, XML, for this decade of doing our net work!

A Casa do Java acasadojava@acasadojava.com.br, sent on 2008-04-28

XML - You just ROCKS !!!

hey XML

I wish you very bright future on your your 10th birthday anniversary. I would like to thank to all of them who have been working for XML to bring

it at this stage.

WWW,Mobiles,PDAs,Cameras you are everywhere.You made everthing simple. You made enetrprises life simple-We can integrate enterprices apps so

seamlessly now.

We love you ! Keep growing.


Mishit mishi.patel@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-28

Keep Walking

XML for us probably greatest example of stability, good traditions and efficiency. It just does the job, a great one. Bravo XML!

Evgenios Skitsanos skitsanos@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-27

Happy Birthday XML

On this occasion of tenth anniversary of XML I wish a very very bright future for XML and I wish for emergence of more technologies based on XML

to help technologists in addressing a common man’s needs.

I would like to congratulate all those who have been working for

betterment of XML for the last ten years.

I am in Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) domain and I really appreciate the contributions of XML in this area. I would say there is no

EAI tool that does not take benefits from XML.

I am sure integration existed in pre-XML era. But I can not even imagine myself working without XML now.

Rajagopal V.S. Neralla rajagopal.neralla@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-27

Thank you WWW for XML

Congratulations W3 for a successful 10 years of XML! You have affected the internet in so many ways, and the World appreciates it! In my own life, I have used XML to subscribe to many things so I can stay up to date with the world. Thank you so much!

Jace Voracek, sent on 2008-04-26


It is crazy how Xml is useful in my life for different purposes. I used it to create a knowledge database in several languages. I used it to have a nested tree of information. I used it to have a portable knowledge database. I saved so much time with XML. and i also saved time for the futur cause thanks to my trees. i can let my datas sleeping for several years, and look it back and understand it quickly. I think everybody should always consider XML when implementing a database solution because it is really sustainaible

Nicolas Guérinet, sent on 2008-04-24

Happy 10th Anniversary XML

Happy 10th Anniversary.....

In this 10th year I have to do a project using XML.Very useful and very easy language.

Amit amit_bgl@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-04-23

Janam Din Mubarak Ho

HI XML there,

Wishing you your 10th BithDay. I am new to XML, but looking really


Have a long lasting life..


Maddy mdnkalsi@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-22

10 YEARS of Success

10 سنوات من النجاح وما هي إلا البداية

10 years of Success & this is just the begining

Mohammad mojabazlamit@gmail.com, sent on 2008-04-21