XML Community Greetings

The greeting card is closed to new entries. Greetings 280 to 261 (of 419 total) displayed below.


Congratulations W3 team

Wish you good luck! For me XML is a wire, which can connect many different great ideas. Many times it was the only one solution I've been searching


I use XML on many of my projects and for some functionality of my personal

website http://dichev.com/

Many greetings to all W3 Staff and Members from Bulgaria and the Black Sea coast.

Alexander Dichev gpucak@abv.bg, sent on 2008-08-11

It has helped my site

Thanks to XML, we have been lucky enough to create the backbone to sites such as http://www.talkaboutdebt.co.uk - Keep up the good work!

Matt Roberts hello@talkaboutdebt.co.uk, sent on 2008-08-11

Wish you happy birthday XML

Wish you happy birthday XML

Praveen Kumar praveen.sunsetpoint@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-11

XML saved my project

I learned enough about how to write, translate and display XML files within a day or two in order to make my hobby project (a somewhat complex and long piece of C code that extracts data from game save files and displays statistics on the internet) report extremely flexible and usable data,

thus preventing it from becoming merely yet another lost cause.

Thanks, W3C, for your commitment to designing and maintaining new and useful technologies / standards such as XML.

sent on 2008-08-10

eXtremely Marvellous Language!

XML helps me earn my living eaveryday..and is a major mode of

communication between systems and applications in the project Im on.

Well done!!

Yash Sharma yash_dot@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-08-10

Anonymous greeting

Complimenti per l'ottimo lavoro svolto. Usiamo tutti i giorni XML e siamo contenti delle possibilità che offre a tutti noi. Auguri.

sent on 2008-08-10

<for:each select="@birthdate" > HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Well the title says it all really!

What a lifesaver and enjoyable time I have had learning XML since its


Love and still use XSLT, XML today with great passion!!

Thank you XML!

Congrats and all the best.


Michael michael@ideabubble.ie, sent on 2008-08-10

Happy Birthday

I have recently re-discovered the power of XML and XSLT! Great stuff!

CodeHawk, sent on 2008-08-10

How old?!

XML, I use you daily and love you much.

Thanks to all involved in the spec!

Sam Edwards annebythegate@mac.com, sent on 2008-08-10

XML makes sense to web

Hi am balaji studying final year software engineering in ESEC college in

tamil nadu.

Im learning about these technologies quite recently and just seems that these are new but as i get a chance to visit this website i get to know that XML celebrating 10 years anyway have a blasting celeb's ..with regards balaji.

S.T.Balaji stbalaji2u@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-10


Ich wünsch dir was!

sent on 2008-08-01

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Chamila Ambahera chamila@lk.opro.net, sent on 2008-07-31

The Semantic Web

I've used XML to perform SOAP communications using WSDL. That was cool, thanks XML for helping me process millions of records updates while I sipped my English Breakfast. As a DBAA, I imagined the semantic web and WWDB, now I'm starting to rev up for SPARQL. Thanks XML for being part of the new web. I developed extensive SSIS packages and was able to extensively modify configurations under the hood. Thanks XML for making me look good in front of my boss.

Cal Thomas calebthomas@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-07-30


many more hapy returns of the day machi.............

sathishkumar www.saathish88@gmail.com, sent on 2008-07-29


Nada mas lindo que ver a ese niño crecer.

Esperamos verlo crecer aún mas y que haga orgullosos a sus padres así

como a todos los que lo conocemos.

Felicitaciones XML

David Alejandro López Zapata dlopezza@eafit.edu.co, sent on 2008-07-29

Thanks for providing such a great specifications

thanks to everyone whoever worked on XML Specifications.I am very happy to say that I started my carrier with XML in 1999 when XML was a still draft.

Raju Janumpally raaju76@gmail.com, sent on 2008-07-28

Van Harte

Vanuit de (ook 10-jarige) webwinkel www.jeppeke.nl zenden wij graag onze felicitaties en waardering voor W3C XML

Ton tonvane@jeppeke.nl, sent on 2008-07-26


Well I got involved into XML when learning it at school. Now i'm trying to make a site with XML info called: http://www.xeml.net following webstandards, xhtml and css.

sent on 2008-07-26

Change the world

I will change the world of web in future.

ZX cloud.chang@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-07-24


I wish a great success of the XML in the past 10 years and gaining

importance in the companies...

Congrats on success of 10 years

A. Manoj Kumar am_kumar1879@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-07-23