XML Community Greetings

The greeting card is closed to new entries. Greetings 300 to 281 (of 419 total) displayed below.



XML is specific in today's demand within TECHNOLOGY. Measurable in today's demand in TECHNOLOGY. Action in working Characteristic TECHNOLOGY, Realistic in working Characteristic's, And very timely The Most Powerful.

Nickolaos Chatzimalis WBchatz@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-08-28

Vive XML

Bravo au W3C pour l'invention du XML qui a beaucoup aidé les développeurs dans leur tâche.

Nicolas FROIDURE contact@elitwork.com, sent on 2008-08-27

XML you are great

So Powerful you are......

U r generator of languages...

you are so much flexible.....

Prakash prakash.pankaj@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-27

Thank u XML & Many more Happy returns of XML

Thank U


Selvaganapathy selva@chennaibazaar.com, sent on 2008-08-26





Vive le XML!

Bon anniversaire !

Thomas thomas.relin@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-25

Thank you XML!

I just started with websites and without XML I wouldn't know how to:

- Store my data

- Order my markup (XHTML)

Which more or less are all the things I do!

So, 10 years have gone, more to go!

Paul zwyber@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-25

ok altri 10 anni

ok altri 10 anni

Francesco francesco.manisco@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-25

Happy 10th anniversary !

Happy 10th anniversary

yassaman karakoç yasemenkarakoc@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-22

For your Pride

I think you will receive happy, because this type document will make you more convinient for you works, Best Regards Ánh

Đinh Ngọc Ánh impholo@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-21

Many many happy returns of the day-XML

I wish XML will be the future Web Markup Language with we can create applications such as RIA and mobile apps with wonderfull opportunities.

Rohit Tailor tailor.rohit@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-21

Thank you

Thank you for your battle against chaos!

Michele, sent on 2008-08-20


HaPpY 10th year Anniversary!

Thanks for developing such software technology which proves to be useful.

Josephine reach4dsky@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-20


Congrats for the well deserved sucess!!!

Sundaram.C mother_sunder@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-08-18


Wish you sucess

Haytham haytham.lsa@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-18


Computer technology have changed face of modern world into an advanced world which has made human life much easier than ago. But this is most important that the technology shold always be used for betterment of human

life and a good revolutionary in all aspects of the earth.

GREETING on the celebration of Ten Years of XML (XML10)

With regards.

bhagyendra bhagyendra@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-18


Happy 10th anniversary

Niketh niketh90@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-15



amit verma vamit01@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-14


Felicidades y gracias por coordinar el desarrollo de la Web, por favor

continuen, es muy importante lo que hacen.


Jorge L. M. jluevano@ymail.com, sent on 2008-08-13

10 years de XML

Ha sido todo un exito poder contar con un estandar tan flecible y de muchisimo uso como lo es XML. Felicitaciones

Eduardo eduardosojo@gmail.com, sent on 2008-08-12

Qusai Alzubi

Thanks W3C XML

Happy 10th anniversary

Qusai Alzubi qusai@alzubi.net, sent on 2008-08-12