XML Community Greetings

The greeting card is closed to new entries. Greetings 260 to 241 (of 419 total) displayed below.



XML,Happy Birthday Forever.

caobin cabca@163.com, sent on 2008-07-23

[zh-hans] Happy Birthday XML

the power changed the word!

well done XML.

谢志丹 Fireman_duck@126.com, sent on 2008-07-23


Saludos desde Venezuela

Arnoldo Briceño arnoldobr@gmail.com, sent on 2008-07-21

XML and Braille/DAISY

We love XML. Without it, our work would be impossible. We mark up book files in XML. We can then print them in a variety of editions optimized for persons with low vision as well as turn them into electronic Braille and DAISY files. Without XML, this could never happen.

Peyton Stafford pstafford@readhowyouwant.com, sent on 2008-07-21


W3C XML10 Greeting Card

kinarna wailers555@yahoo.co.jp, sent on 2008-07-18


Gracias a las personas que desarrollaron y colocaron la tecnología de XML en nuestras manos, facilitando la computación y ampliando el horizonte de posibilidades para nuevas tecnologías de software

Henry Mogollon javahoma@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-07-17

Happy message from a developer

XML limited the work of the code developer form making different styles of code for different platforms.

Cikamani cikamani@gmail.com, sent on 2008-07-14

LucaBazzani.com - Corsi di formazione e aggiornamento personale

CIAO A TUTTI!Sono nuovo nel mondo del XML in quanto ho appena intrapreso il cammino per sfruttarne le potenzialità grazie ai Feed RSS che ho implementato sul mio sito Internet e sto cercando di imparare sempre di più nel settore. D'altra parte la mia professione consiste nella progettazione ed esecuzione di corsi di Formazione in area Informatica, Sicurezza sui Luoghi di Lavoro e Gestione Aziendale quindi implica un costante processo di miglioramento. Grazie per l'opportunità che mi concedete. CIAO A TUTTI!

Luca info@lucabazzani.com, sent on 2008-07-11

funny joke not found

I wrote a very clever greeting, formated it in xml and tried submitting it via this form. But, sadly, you wrote this to reject any kind of "markup". Its like you're rejecting your own child, while not even calling it by the right name. You could have just transformed the "markup" into its html entities by following another of the w3c's


Well, it said congratulations and thanked everyone for their hard work. I guess I still mean it, despite the hiccup. Xml has made my life easier than it otherwise would have been. I wish adoption of other standards that build upon xml would be more widely adopted, but that's hardly your fault.

Our web could be so much more useful and fun with smil and svg.

Again, thanks for all the work and your dedication to free and open standards.

Bill Newton wlcarknewton@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-07-10

XML liveon........

XML is one of the BEST thing to happen to WWW. Everything has and will grow

into the realms of XML.

Live long stay strong... XML. All the best to all those who are his father/mothers (XML spec committee member).

Raj eskimo.ganges@gmail.com, sent on 2008-07-10


Happy XML 10th? lol

I find this hilarious

Meldon Lobo meldonlobo@gmail.com, sent on 2008-07-09

Novice of XML

Congratulations to the 10th anniversary! I am absolutely an novice to the xml technology but I wish this boy of ten could help understand more about

WWW world.


Geoge Zhang gqzhang@gmail.com, sent on 2008-07-09

Anonymous greeting

We all wish your dreams come true J

sent on 2008-07-09

XML 10 year celebration

Hello, Celebrating the XML 10 year!

magic fang magicfang@gmail.com, sent on 2008-07-08

wonderful web


renee selahj@wowway.com, sent on 2008-07-08

A Standard Interface

XML is one of the best IT concepts for the last ten years and brings IT

systems closer together. Great improvement!

Happy birthday!

Armin Kenel armin.kenel@secona.com, sent on 2008-07-08

Excelente trabajo!

Muchas felicidades por este excelente trabajo. XML ha sido para mi y mi

trabajo una grandisima ayuda.

No se que seria del desarrollo web si no fuera por esta preciosa



Abel Botello, sent on 2008-07-07

Greetings For Celebrating Ten Years

Wish u Happy to know XML has introduce about Ten years back.

have successfully celebrating Ten th year..

Kumar Raja GV gvcse@rediffmail.com, sent on 2008-07-07

Good Idea, Good Job, XML

Good Idea, Good Job, XML.

Wish be better and standard in the future.

Freeman Long freemanlong@gdnt.com.cn, sent on 2008-07-07

Unbeatable Technology

Unbeatable Technology !!!!

Once of the most using technology in the computer world and if it doesn't exist lot of technology will be very late and may not available it may the world very easy and reduce the distance of the people for communication on

the web application and some other devices.

Great job..

Thnaks W3Org Consortium !!!!

Dheepakk J deepakj2k3@gmail.com, sent on 2008-07-07