WAI Website Publication Schedule

From W3C Wiki
For significant changes in UI or potentially touchy technical updates, coordinate with Shawn at least a few days in advance.
For normal content updates, add pull requests by midnight US Eastern time on MondaysWednesdays, per Updating WAI Website Resources

special request

Please publish this as soon as feasible. I also connected with (that is, got a reply from) Shawn via e-mail or IRC or Slack or other.

  • @@ resource PR_link notes


Tuesday 18th June

Tuesday 25th June

  • APG monthly publication -- PR TBD -- Howard, Matt, Daniel

Tuesday 2nd July

  • WCAG2ICT Draft Working Group Note -- daniel and Mary Jo -- Se Google document with announcement wording and pointers to other relevant WAI updates.


Tuesday 21st May

  • APG publication (PR TBD)

Tuesday 27 February

  • APG [PR TBD]

Ready for Publication

(added 12 Apr 2024 by Brian Elton)