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TTWG F2F during TPAC 2024

TPAC Group Schedule and Registration Results


You must register for this event.

  • A daily fee applies to anyone who is attending meetings, whether as a participant or as an observer or guest, Monday through Friday.

This page shows details of attendance and the agenda for the TTWG face to face meeting at TPAC 2019.



Please, put your name in the following table if you plan to participate to the TTWG F2F (alphabetical order):

Name Arrival Departure Hotel Flight info and notes Days of attendance
Nigel Megitt Saturday 21st Friday 27th Hilton Anaheim Monday - Friday
Cyril Concolato TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD (probably Thursday and Friday)


Goals for TPAC 2024:

  • Move forward with DAPT - agree to publish CR?
  • Decide what to do with TTML2
  • Continue joint meetings with MEIG and APA
  • Review future work areas and topics

Agenda and Schedule


  • DAPT
  • TTML2 Second Edition
    • Editor
  • IMSC
  • TTML Profile Registry
  • WebVTT
  • DataCue
  • Next Generation TextTrackCue
  • Joint meeting follow-ups
    • M&E IG
    • Media WG
    • APA WG
  • AOB
    • Demo slots if time allows


Please note the first item on the agenda is to put the items above into the agenda below!

Thursday 26th September

09:00-10:30 Audio Description Community Group, Timed Text Working Group Joint Meeting

Time Topic
09:30-09:00 Arrivals, coffee
09:00 Introductions
09:15 Agenda bash
09:30 DAPT issues, pull requests, implementation notes
10:30 Adjourn

Friday 27th September

See also GitHub Agenda issue w3c/ttwg#291 for TTWG meeting.

09:00-10:30 Timed Text Working Group

11:00-12:30 Accessible Platform Architectures WG, Timed Text WG, Media and Entertainment IG Joint Meeting

14:00-18:00 Timed Text Working Group

Whole day schedule:
Time Topic
08:30-09:00 Arrivals, coffee
09:00 Introductions
09:15 Agenda bash
09:30 M&E IG joint meeting follow-ups
10:00 IMSC and TTML issues
10:30 Break
11:00 Accessible Platform Architectures WG, Timed Text WG, Media and Entertainment IG Joint Meeting
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Publication planning and Other topics tbc
15:00 Break
15:30 Other topics tbc
18:00 Adjourn