
From W3C Wiki

An opportunity to discover what W3C groups are working on and how that works intersect with other Web technologies. The demos are provided as pre-recorded videos. The following demos have been proposed:

WYSIWIG Captioning with IMSC

from the Timed Text Working Group:

  • IMSC offers many options to enhance the production of subtitles and captions. The demo will show some of this potential by using an open source IMSC subtitle editor.
  • by Andreas Tai

Immersive Web

from the Immersive Web Community Group:

  • by Ada Rose Cannon

Accessible Platform Architectures

  • 2 demos from the Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group:
    1. APA Pronunciation Matters, by Janina Sajka with Mark Hakkinen
      • Description: How content is pronounced has long been an accessibility concern, but it's increasingly becoming a mainstream web concern as well with the proliferation of personal assistants and voice interfaces to web content. We propose approaches for controlling pronunciation in spans of web content where uniform (SSML-based) markup can make the difference.
    2. Web Support for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities
      • Description: Demonstrating a semantic overlay approach to enable user driven personalization, eg. the association of user-preferred symbols with elements having those semantics.

WebRTC Insertable Streams

from the WebRTC Working Group

Web & Networks

  • Demos from members of the Web & Networks Interest Group:
    1. Castanets: Browser-based Edge Computing Solution for Offloading Process and Resource, by Samsung (Seikwon Kim)
      • Description: We demonstrate features of the browser-based edge computing solution, Castanets (process and resource offloading).
      Process offloading: In the demo, we show renderer process offloading from one device to another for reducing both page loading time and computation time. We also show resource offloading which effectively brings HW features from authenticated remote devices.
      Resource offloading: In this demo, TV will utilize camera feature offloaded from the phone. See the working code for Castanets.
    2. Trace based Network Emulation toolkit for Browsers, by Intel (Jonas Svennebring)
    3. Link Performance Prediction in Web applications, by Intel (Jonas Svennebring)
    4. Cloud-based 360° Video Playout on TV, by Fraunhofer FOKUS (Louay Bassbouss)
      • Description: The Cloud-based 360° Video Playout allows the viewing of high quality 360° videos on devices with constrained capabilities such as TV sets. It reduces the required bandwidth and processing resources by rendering the field of view (FOV) in the cloud in advance and only stream the selected FOV to the client. Each FOV video is provided as individual stream. Transition videos which enable a smooth switch between FOVs are generated and provided as individual streams as well.
        The 360° player implementation in the browser uses multiple Web APIs like fetch (with readable streams), MSE, EME and video element. The player requests video segments of the current FOV until the user switches to another view. In this case, the MSE buffer which contains video segments of current FOV will be emptied (from a certain position) and video segments of the transition video or of the new FOV video will be fetched from the CDN and appended to the MSE buffer. Information about network latency and actual throughput are essential to determine the bitrate level of the new segments to fetch in order to get them at the right time and to calculate the position at which the buffer will be emptied.
    5. Exploring Distributed DNNs for the mobile web over cloud, edge and end devices., by Beijing University of Posts&Telecommunications - BUPT (Yakun Huang and Xiuquan Qiao)
    6. WebRTC Based Interactive Advertising, by China Mobile MIGU

Web of Things

from the Web of Things Working & Interest Groups