(Redirected from Irc-people)
A list of IRC regulars, sorted by nickname, and their usual timezones.
Note: the name of a city does not imply that someone lives there. It's from the list of timezone names. E.g. US 48-state folks can typically just use: "US/Pacific", "US/Mountain", "US/Central", "US/Eastern"
Please keep sorted alphabetically by nickname:
- aaronpk (US/Pacific)
- ajordan (US/Eastern): AJ Jordan ("strugee" elsewhere)
- akuckartz (Europe/Berlin): Andreas Kuckartz
- angelo (US/Pacific): Angelo Gladding
- annbass (US/Pacific): Ann Bassetti
- Arnaud (US/Pacific): Arnaud Le Hors
- barnabywalters (Atlantic/Reykjavik)
- bblfish (Europe/Paris): Henry Story
- ben_thatmustbeme (US/Eastern): Ben Roberts
- benoit (US/Eastern): David Benoit
- bigbluehat (US/Eastern): Benjamin Young
- bitbear (Europe/Oslo): Asbjørn Ulsberg
- bret (US/Pacific)
- castastrophe (US/Eastern): Cassondra Roberts
- cel (US/Eastern): Charles E. Lehner
- ChristopherA (US/Pacific): Christopher Allen, Blockstream
- cmhobbs (US/Central)
- csarven (Europe/Zurich): Sarven Capadisli
- cwebber2 (US/Central)
- deiu (US/Eastern): Andrei, MIT/W3C
- elf-pavlik (Europe/Central)
- evanpro (Canada/Eastern)
- dret (US/Pacific): Erik Wilde
- fjh (US/Eastern)
- gerald (Canada/Pacific): Gerald Oskoboiny
- harry (Europe/Paris)
- jasnell (US/Pacific)
- jaywink (Europe/Helsinki)
- jets (US/Mountain): Brian McManus
- JF (US/Central): John Foliot
- jjs (US/Mountain): Joey Stanford
- JohnRochford (US/Eastern): John Rochford
- Jon_Gibbins (Europe/London): Jon Gibbins (dotjay)
- kborchers (US/Central): Kris Borchers
- KevinMarks (US/Pacific): Kevin Marks
- koalie (Europe/Paris): Coralie Mercier
- ldp (US/Central): Lewis Phillips
- lehawes (US/Eastern): Larry Hawes
- Loqi (US/Pacific)
- Mario_B (Europe/Paris): Mario Batušić
- MarkS (US/Eastern): Mark Sadecki
- mateus (US/Eastern): Mateus Teixeira
- mattl (US/Eastern)
- MattMarum (US/Eastern)
- melvster (US/Eastern)
- mitch11 (Europe/Berlin): Mitchell Evan
- notabene (Europe/Paris): Stéphane Deschamps
- octogonz (US/Pacific): Pete Gonzalez
- oshepherd (Europe/London)
- paul_grenier (US/Eastern)
- PeterParslow (Europe/London)
- rhiaro (Europe/London)
- RRSAgent (US/Eastern)
- sandro (US/Eastern), Sandro Hawke
- sanja (Europe/Vienna): Sanja Bonic
- ShaneHudson (Europe/London)
- shepazu (US/Eastern): Doug Schepers
- TabAtkins (US/Pacific): Tab Atkins-Bittner
- tantek (US/Pacific)
- timbl (US/Eastern)
- tommorris (Europe/London)
- trackbot (US/Eastern)
(CE[S]T): Antonio Olmo Titos - Tsyesika (Europe/London)
- turbopape (Africa/Casablanca)
- wilkie (US/Eastern)
- wolfgang (Europe/Berlin): Wolfgang Schindler
- wschi (Europe/Berlin): Wolfgang Schildbach
- xfq (Asia/Shanghai): Fuqiao Xue
- Zakim (US/Eastern)
See Also
- SocialWG - which uses this page as input to its IRC logs.