HCLSIG/SWANSIOC/Meetings/2008-10-17 Conference Call

From W3C Wiki

Conference Details

  • Date of Call: Friday October 17, 2008
  • Time of Call: 11:00am Eastern Time
  • Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
  • Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
  • Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
  • Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
  • IRC Channel: irc.w3.org port 6665 channel #HCLS (see W3C IRC page for details, or see Web IRC)
  • Duration: ~1 hour
  • Convener: Tim Clark
  • Scribe: Susie Stephens


  • Introductions
  • Technical Progress Update
  • AOB


<Susie> Attendees: Tim, Elizabeth, Paolo, Holger, Susie, John, Alex, Sudeshna, EricP, Matthias

<Susie> http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns - SIOC is now available in OWL DL

<Susie> Paolo: Work on integrating SIOC & SWAN

<Susie> Paolo: Things are aligned on the TAG side

<Susie> Paolo: Alex was aligning SIOC ontologies with discourse elements in SWAN

<alex_> http://rdfs.org/sioc/swan - shows first draft of the alignment

<matthias_samwald> looks very useful!

<Susie> Alex: When SWAN 1.2 is available we'll make the updates

<Susie> Some things, mainly properties, will change in SWAN 1.2, so will need to do a little more alignment work

<Susie> Tim: Hoping SWAN 1.2 will be fully SIOC aligned

<Susie> Tim: Thinking ahead to the 1.3 release

<Susie> SWAN is a kb created through a workbench now

<Susie> Don't have a document that is conencted to the kb

<Susie> No link between a claim and a sentence in the journal article

<Susie> Want to change this approach

<Susie> And start from the text of the journal article, and create hypothesis and claim from the sample text

<Susie> Will become a little more document centric

<Susie> New version will cover SCF use cases better

<Susie> Matthias: Good idea to break things down to a finer granularity

<Susie> Matthias: Good to try to capture the content to keep things simple

<Susie> Also keeping an eye on SALT too

<matthias_samwald> SALT (Semantically annotated Latex ontology)

<Susie> Tim: Also useful if identifying things through text mining

<Susie> In 2 weeks should be done with the alignment

<Susie> Want to be aligned with 1.2 in 2 weeks

<Susie> Then have to set up next goals

<Susie> Paolo: The focus would shift to the application

<Susie> Tim: Input on 1.3 would also be useful

<Susie> Tim: SIOC is a member submission

<Susie> Tim: The alignment could be a further member submission

<Susie> Eric: Member submission process involves at least one member who wants to share something with the world

<Susie> Eric: W3C makes the document in HTML, and the team makes a comment

<Susie> Eric: Good way to get the team to look at what you're doing and get involved

<Susie> Tim: Sounds like a useful thing to do

<Susie> Tim: SWAN and SIOC will significantly gain from this

<Susie> Tim: Good Matthias is involved

<Susie> Tim: Incorporate bibliography going forward

<Susie> Matthias: If we really want to push this as a de facto standard we should involve more members

<Susie> Matthias: Maybe challenges with the SWAN name

<Susie> EricP: Penalty for primary focus on SWAN is low

<Susie> EricP: Can add extra collaborators as we go

<Susie> Action: Alex and Paolo to be finished with alignment by next call

<Susie> Next call to focus on future projects

<Susie> -> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/F2F/2008-10_F2F F2F agenda

<Susie> Tim: Will send me F2F slides

<Susie> Tim: Will present at the HCLS F2F with Paolo

<Susie> Tim: Next call in 2 weeks