
From W3C Wiki

The FrontPage is the normal entry point to the content here; this is about operation of the service.

(much of this info is now outdated -- Gerald, Feb 2011)

WikiSpam is probably the biggest issue. We recently did a WikiUpgrade. It fixed the email sending problem (2004-08-05) and made it easier to revert WikiSpam.

AndrewCates thinks it is time to try MoinMoin:AntiSpamGlobalSolution doesn't look too hard to do and its a bit TDS reverting every day

We use MoinMoin as our PPR:WikiEngine; we have our own MoinMoinToDo list, including MoinMoinInternationalization.

If you want to share your troubles and complaints about this Wiki (or Wikis in general), without any particular constructive direction, try contributing to WikiPain.

History of this service

DanBri set up an ESW Wiki using TWiki, January 2003 (weblog notes; upgrade announcement).

The overarching aim of the project is thus to provide, through all appropriate means, a body of answers to questions that have to date gone unanswered, and to foster grassroots communities within which such concerns are addressed. - SWAD-Europe project proposal

After researching some infelicities, we decided to migrate to MoinMoin (ToDo: grab rationale, LinkMe: discussion in #rdfig about lost updates and such). MoinMoin is a Python Wiki:WikiClone, based on Wiki:PikiPiki. The name is a common German slang expression explained on the MoinMoin page. If you run a Wiki using MoinMoin, please add it to the MoinMoin:MoinMoinWikis page. Contributed code is on the MoinMoin:MacroMarket, MoinMoin:ActionMarket and MoinMoin:ParserMarket pages.

SandroHawke installed MoinMoin, and DanC did the migration; see imported ESW twiki stuff into moinmoin Wed, Mar 26 2003.

/t/view/TopicName (older TWiki URIs) are now redirected to /topic/TopicName.

Remaining TWiki migration issues: moin doesn't like wikinames to begin with acronyms. So PPR:HowToRenameWikiPages may be useful. It wasn't! Nothing useful in there. Hmm. See [[[WikiNames|vs. Normal Titles]]]. See AcronymsInWikiNames, but maybe they've all been converted already.

The system got slower and slower a while ago (mid 2003?). SandroHawke figured out why (something to do with logs) and fixed it.

Underlying software updated from MoinMoin to MediaWiki in March 2010.

Moved to w3.org/wiki in Feb 2011. (esw.w3.org URIs are being redirected)

See SystemServices for a list of other operations going on behind the scenes.


What is the copyright policy of this wiki? Is it open content? public domain, GFDL, or Creative Commons-licensed? Thanks,


Requests for features

Can you expand the acronym "ESW" on FrontPage? It's not obvious to someone who stumbles upon this wiki. MarkNottingham

Can the RenamePage action be enabled, please? Or is this too open to abuse?

Please turn on page deletion

How? DanConnolly

Best I (AndrewCates) can do on clues are HelpOnPageDeletion and HelpOnAccessControlLists section 4.

think you have to add

acl_rights_default = "All:read,write,delete,revert"

Assume then your happy for me to deletion other language help pages etc.? AndrewCates

Whoops. Just tried it on my moinmoin at http://wiki.catesfamily.org.uk/ turns out you also need

allowed_actions = ['DeletePage']

then it should work. Incidentally if you ever need help hosting etc. just shout. AndrewCates

SimonJHernandez, W3C Systems Team, adds: We had configured the above ACLs but they were abused by spammers, and will continue to be so if enabled. Only users who create accounts on this wiki can edit it.

I don't know if this is the proper place for this, but when I read this wiki, the CSS-files and the images are not loaded. They all link to a server http://jubjub/w3.org/... which redirects to http://www.w3.org/ where the styles and images are not present. However, suitable(?) styles and images are located at the same paths on http://esw.w3.org/. Is this a coincidence? Lars

Please enable text search. (Wish: switch to mediaWiki)