AB/at-participation-risk missing-acrep

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This page is to share with AB how W3C Member Relations works at-participation-risk and to find Missing AC Rep

How to detect at-participation-risk

# Item
1 when there is no AC Rep
2 when there is mail bounce from AC Rep
3 when there are no people with a W3C account within a member organization
4 when there is no one in charge of W3C or standard work
5 when there is no participation in any group
6 when recharter and not participating again
7 when there is no payment (Invoicing team contacts Memrel)
8 when we hear their intention of resignation
9 if they participate in CG only
10 If we learn that their business is in at risk
11 tantek: If they failed to vote in the most recent n polls, or the past n months of polls (e.g. 6 months)

Process for at-participation-risk

# Steps
1 Explore "Interest(s)” of the member
2 Find out if there is an AC Rep in the W3C database
3 Find out who is participating in WG or IG in the W3C database
4 Check the history of the W3C Invoicing team to see if there are any delays in payment. If there is a delay in reminding them of their non-payment, encourage them to send a reminder.
5 Contact the W3C team contact related to #1, 2, 3 and ask if anyone from the at-participation-risk organization is active or inputting in that group. At the same time, obtain a summary of group activity from the W3C team contact.
6 If the at-participation-risk organization's activities are not active in the WG/IG, contact #2 and 3 directly and provide a summary of the WG/IG, while linking the scope to the business and objectives of the organization in question, and make a proposal for W3C utilization. Also, propose a dialogue with the team contact of the group in question.
7 If a team contact or Project Lead or W3C Management is in the same country or is in the same country for an event, find the contact of the organization and visit the company for a dialogue
8 Offer to hold an internal seminar with AC Rep or person in charge to make them aware of W3C and encourage them to use W3C within the company
9 If there is no response from #2 or 3, contact those who are not in the WG or IG and do #6 to 8
10 If no reply at all, many are normally already unpaid. The Invoicing team is forced to terminate membership in view of non-payment depending on the termination rules.

Process to find Missing AC Rep

# Steps
1 Receive automatic monthly Missing AC Rep and email bounce reports
2 Search the W3C database for the member in question who participates in WGs and IGs
3 Check to see if dues have not been paid. If it's in arrears, Memrel contacts the Invoicing team to follow them up
4 Contact the team contact(s) based on their "Interest(s)" of the organization in question to get advice about active participants and who to contact
5 Email the person(s) and let them know that the AC Rep is gone or the emails bounce and ask if they would be willing to take on the AC Rep. If we have someone to take care of it, the case is close. The participation in group activities by the organization is monitored
6 If we do not receive a reply for #5. Contact a different contact to see if they will take on AC Rep
7 If we cannot find any contacts. Ping someone on LinkedIn who belongs to the organization in question about looking for an AC Rep while referring them to W3C
8 Continue to look for contacts when opportunities arise

No Zero

An-automated list is generated each quarter. Memrel contacts each member individually based on the list of members who have not joined any of the groups. The W3C technical team is cced based on the member's interest. The cycle is to check for “no participation” members every quarter by the Team, and for the Memrel to follow up each of them.

Members who are perceived as not needing to be contacted even if they don't participate in any of the groups

# Item
1 using the W3C Member logo as a member
2 obtaining latest information is enough
3 show their support thru membership dues for W3C activities
4 want to keep their relationship with W3C and/or Partner