AB/Candidate topics for 2022 TPAC AC meeting
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This is the planning page for the 2022 Fall AC meeting, as part of the ongoing and regular AB/AC Meetings project.
Session Brainstorming
Every session needs:
- named AB champion (proposed: by 2022-06-23) to proceed, otherwise absence thereof interpreted as lack of sufficient actual interest/time in the session and session should be dropped from AC planning
- preferred/suggested duration (minutes)
Plenary Membership Sessions
- Lightning talks (60m) - anyone can sign up for 5-min max talks (hooked off-stage if necessary)
- TAG ethical design principles
- +1. Lightning talks are good channel for AC to learn about new technology and standard trend in W3C, such as Web&Network, Web Machine Learning. -Judy Zhu
- Metaverse panel (30m) [needs good panelists and goal]
- non-blocking -1. The "metaverse" space is currently more hype than product. Interested person(s) should propose a public breakout session on this on TPAC Breakouts Day instead. —Tantek
- 0 I'm ambivalent. It would be useful to have a brief talk on "what is immersive web vs Metaverse, how do these connect", explain decision of Metaverse Standards Forum. -Chris
- +1. There are many discussions and debates about Metaverse, having such a panel provides a good chance for ACs to discuss the technical issues there and what role W3C can play in Metaverse. -Judy Zhu
- +1. It is nice for W3C to discuss how web technologies will enable Metaverse. We may ask panelists from Metaverse Standard Forums to hear their activities. -User:Tigarash
- Web3 (15m) [not recommended]
- What is it? What is it not?
- "Decentralization" push (but is it really?)
- Real or hype or actively & presently harmful?
- What could/should be the role of W3C
- -1 I think Web3 is hype. -Chris
- -1 more hype than anything real, and much more harm (scams) than anything impactfully good. -Tantek
- As Alan Kay said: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” [not to do a talk or panel or slide deck about it]. So if someone has an actual interesting prototype or demo of the "future of the web" they should pitch it as a Lightning Talk. There is no need for a separate "Web3" session of vaporware, nor do we need a Web3-criticism session, as https://web3isgoinggreat.com/ already handles that quite well.
- Is the web due for a major change? (50min? tentative champion: David Singer)
- Rather than metaverse (3D) or Web3 I'd prefer that we ask this more general question: fundamental change - Web3 or Web3D or something else? and fold in getting a community consensus on what to do about web3 and web3d as part of the broader question. We do need to decide as a community: if the web3 people need a forum, would we be it, or would we ask them to go elsewhere (though there is already the Web3 Foundation). Similarly, is there a new web experience that's 3D, or will we 'merely' make 3D experiences embeddable in the 2D web? If the former, what on earth does it feel like?
- +0. Somewhat positive but not strongly so, also feels like it could be an area to encourage lightning talks. -Tantek
- suggest: 50min split into 20min talk/panel, and 30min discussion/Q&A — likely to have many AC opinions on this
- AB Panel (90m) - talk about specific topics - Should be facilitated - Should also have open topics - could have preassigned responses to certain AB members
- AC submit questions (two weeks) in advance; live mic will need time limits
- +1 Tantek — good that this would be in the Plenary session
- What does the LE mean to you, the general membership? [yes]
AC-Only Governance-focused Meeting
- CEO Overview (30m) - or should this be in the plenary?
- Tantek suggestion: 10-15min "State of the AC" (since this is the AC meeting)
- +1 -Judy Zhu
- The New W3C that’ll happen as of Jan 1st, or a humble crow session on why it’s not, (1hr) including:
- Legal Entity details / progress / obstacles
- Governance - Speakers: Tzviya and Angel
- Expected changes from status quo
- Known Unknowns
- The Future of Hosts
- +1 Tantek
- The Future of the W3C Process (30m) - Fantasai and PLH
- The state of Director-Free
- Report on the Council experiments (plural)
- Other aspects of D-F; are we there yet?
- Active or Inactive AC? The Threshold problem
- what is the appropriate denominator in establishing the trhreshold for Charter support and Appeals? We struggle with 5% of all AC reps
- Anything (else) on the Process that needs surfacing to the AC (ask the chairs)
- Review of Registries; have any happened? have we learned anything?
- The state of Director-Free