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The <article> element represents a independent item section of content.


  • Independent item section of content:
  • In principle, content in the article element should be independently distributable or reusable.

HTML Attributes

See global attributes.


Example A

This example shows a blog post using the article element [try it]:

  <h1>The Very First Rule of Life</h1>
  <p><time pubdate datetime="2009-10-09T14:28-08:00"></time></p>
 <p>If there's a microphone anywhere near you, assume it's hot and
 sending whatever you're saying to the world. Seriously.</p>
  <a href="?comments=1">Show comments...</a>

Example B

Here is that same blog post, but showing some of the comments [try it]:

  <h1>The Very First Rule of Life</h1>
  <p><time pubdate datetime="2009-10-09T14:28-08:00"></time></p>
 <p>If there's a microphone anywhere near you, assume it's hot and
 sending whatever you're saying to the world. Seriously.</p>
    <p>Posted by: George Washington</p>
    <p><time pubdate datetime="2009-10-10T19:10-08:00"></time></p>
   <p>Yeah! Especially when talking about your lobbyist friends!</p>
    <p>Posted by: George Hammond</p>
    <p><time pubdate datetime="2009-10-10T19:15-08:00"></time></p>
   <p>Hey, you have the same first name as me.</p>

HTML Reference

The HTML5 specification defines the <article> element in 4.4.4 The article element.