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Conformance Study Rules
From HTML WG Wiki
$rules = [] def rule *args keywords = args.slice!(-1) args.each do |pattern| $rules << [pattern, keywords[:code], keywords[:weight]] end end rule %r{<strong>Warning</strong>:}, :code => :warning, :weight => 0 rule %r{Using <code>windows-1252</code> instead of the declared encoding}, :code => :encoding_warning, :weight => 1 rule %r{Changing character encoding <code>utf-8</code> and reparsing}, :code => :encoding_warning, :weight => 1 rule %r{Bad value .*<code>rectangle.* for attribute .*<code>shape.* on element .*<code>area}, :code => :bad_area_shape, :weight => 20 rule %r{Bad value <code>\d+\.\d+</code> for attribute <code>content</code> on element .*<code>meta</code>}, %r{Bad value <code>\d+;url=.*</code> for attribute <code>content</code> on element .*<code>meta</code>}, :code => :meta_refresh, :weight => 10 rule %r{Almost standards mode doctype\.}, :code => :almost_standards_doctype, :weight => 95 rule %r{Quirky doctype\.}, :code => :quirks_doctype, :weight => 95 rule %r{Obsolete doctype\.}, %r{Legacy doctype\.}, %r{skipping entity: \[dtd\]}, :code => :versioned_doctype, :weight => 15 rule %r{Self-closing syntax \(<code>/\></code>\) used on a non-void HTML element}, :code => :self_closing, :weight => 16 rule %r{Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first\.}, :code => :missing_doctype, :weight => 19 rule %r{Element <code>nobr</code> not allowed as child of element}, %r{Element <code>center</code> not allowed as child of element}, %r{Presentational_elements_and_attributes}, :code => :presentational_markup, :weight => 45 rule %r{Element .*<code>style</code>.* not allowed as child of element .*}, %r{Required attributes missing on element .*<code>style.}, :code => :style_outside_head, :weight => 44 rule %r{Attribute .*<code>http-equiv</code>.* not allowed on element .*<code>meta}, %r{Required attributes missing on element .*<code>meta}, :code => :meta_outside_head, :weight => 43 rule %r{Element .*<code>align=right<.* not allowed as child of element}, :code => :nonstandard_element, :weight => 20 rule %r{not allowed as child of element .*<span}, %r{Element .*<code>div<.* not allowed as child of element <}, %r{Element .*<code>n<.* not allowed as child of element <}, %r{Element .*<code>p<.* not allowed as child of element <}, %r{Element .*<code>form<.* not allowed as child of element <}, %r{Element .*<code>style<.* not allowed as child of element <}, %r{Required children missing from element .*<dl}, :code => :content_model, :weight => 20 rule %r{End of file seen and there were open elements}, :code => :unclosed_tag, :weight => 25 rule %r{[Cc]onsecutive hyphens}, %r{trailing hyphen in a comment}, :code => :consecutive_hyphens, :weight => 28 rule %r{No space between the doctype public and system identifiers}, :code => :bogus_doctype, :weight => 28 rule %r{<code>=</code> in an unquoted attribute value}, :code => :unquoted_equals, :weight => 28 rule %r{No space between attributes}, :code => :no_space, :weight => 29 rule %r{Attribute <code>y-}, %r{Attribute <code>_sp}, :code => :nonstandard_attribute, :weight => 46 rule %r{Attribute <code>xmlns:.*</code> not allowed here}, %r{local name <code>xmlns:.*</code> is not serializable as XML 1.0}, %r{Attribute <code>xmlns</code> is not serializable as XML 1.0}, :code => :xmlns, :weight=>36 rule %r{Bad value <code>.*</code> for attribute <code>http-equiv</code>}, :code => :nonstandard_meta_http_equiv, :weight=>38 rule %r{Element .*<code>script<.* not allowed as child of element <}, %r{Stray <code>script</code> start tag}, :code => :element_after_body_close, :weight=>39 rule %r{unnamed script}, :code => :unnamed_script, :weight=>40 rule %r{Required attributes missing on element .*<code>input}, %r{Required attributes missing on element .*<code>area}, :code => :missing_alt, :weight => 47 rule %r{Required attributes missing on element .*<code>script.*defer}, :code => :inline_script_defer, :weight => 47 rule %r{Required attributes missing on element .*<code>script.*charset=}, :code => :inline_script_charset, :weight => 47 rule %r{Required attributes missing on element .*<code>link}, %r{Required attributes missing on element .*<code>area}, %r{Required attributes missing on element .*<code>style}, %r{Required attributes missing on element .*<code>script}, :code => :optional_attrs, :weight => 46 rule %r{<code>center</code>}, :code => :presentational_markup, :weight => 45 rule %r{An <code>object</code> element must have a <code>data</code> attribute or a <code>type</code> attribute}, %r{The <code>classid</code> attribute on the <code>object</code> element is obsolete}, %r{The <code>codebase</code> attribute on the <code>object</code> element is obsolete}, :code => :nonstandard_object, :weight => 84 rule %r{Attribute <code>name</code> not allowed on element .*<code>}, %r{The <code>name</code> attribute on the .* element is obsolete}, :code => :name_attr, :weight => 87 rule %r{The .*<code>scheme.* attribute on the .*<code>meta.* element is obsolete.}, :code => :meta_scheme, :weight => 90 rule %r{The .*<code>link.* attribute on the .*<code>link.* element is obsolete}, :code => :link_charset, :weight => 92 rule %r{The .*<code>acronym.* element is obsolete}, %r{The .*<code>nohref.* attribute on the .*<code>area.* element is obsolete.}, %r{The .*<code>abbr.* attribute on the .*<code>th.* element is obsolete.}, %r{The .*<code>urn.* attribute on the .*<code>a.* element is obsolete}, :code => :obsolete_misc, :weight => 97 rule %r{The .*<code>language.* attribute on the .*<code>script.* element is obsolete}, :code => :bad_script_language, :weight => 94 rule %r{The .*<code>profile.* attribute on the .*<code>head.* element is obsolete.}, :code => :profile, :weight => 96 rule %r{attribute on the .* element is obsolete}, %r{The <code>Content-Language</code> state is obsolete}, %r{The .* attribute is obsolete}, %r{The .* element is obsolete}, :code => :versioned, :weight => 99 rule %r{Attribute <code>src</code> not allowed on element .*<code>span<}, %r{Attribute <code>alt</code> not allowed on element .*<code>span<}, %r{Attribute <code>width</code> not allowed on element .*<code>span<}, %r{Attribute <code>height</code> not allowed on element .*<code>span<}, :code => :span_as_image, :weight => 47 # http://www.aptana.com/reference/html/api/HTML.field.vspace.html rule %r{Attribute <code>border</code> not allowed on element}, %r{Attribute <code>color</code> not allowed on element .*<code>hr<}, %r{Attribute <code>background</code> not allowed on element}, %r{Attribute <code>hspace</code> not allowed on element}, %r{Attribute <code>vspace</code> not allowed on element}, %r{Attribute <code>height</code> not allowed on element}, :code => :presentational_markup, :weight => 45 # http://www.aptana.com/reference/html/api/HTML.field.allowtransparency.html rule %r{Attribute <code>allowtransparency</code> not allowed on element}, :code => :browser_specific_markup, :weight => 45 rule %r{Attribute <code>marginheight</code> not allowed on element}, %r{Attribute <code>leftmargin</code> not allowed on element}, %r{Attribute <code>marginwidth</code> not allowed on element}, %r{Attribute <code>width</code> not allowed on element}, %r{Attribute <code>topmargin</code> not allowed on element}, :code => :presentational_markup, :weight => 45 rule %r{Attribute <code>onpropertychange</code> not allowed on element}, %r{Attribute <code>cid</code> not allowed on element}, %r{Attribute <code>cpgn</code> not allowed on element}, %r{Attribute <code>xyz</code> not allowed on element}, :code => :nonstandard_attribute, :weight => 46 # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533486(VS.85).aspx # https://developer.mozilla.org/en/How_to_Turn_Off_Form_Autocompletion rule %r{Attribute <code>autocomplete</code> not allowed on element}, :code => :autocomplete_attr, :weight=>49 rule %r{<code>nobr</code>}, :code => :nonstandard_element, :weight => 49 rule %r{<code>&</code> did not start a character reference}, :code => :unescaped_amp, :weight => 55 rule %r{No .* element in list scope but a .* end tag seen}, %r{Stray end tag <code>}, %r{No element <code>font</code> to close}, %r{No element <code>a</code> to close}, %r{violates nesting rules}, %r{End tag <code>.*</code> seen but there were unclosed elements}, %r{End tag for <code>.*</code> seen, but there were unclosed elements}, :code => :stray_end_tag, :weight => 65 rule %r{A table row was \d+ columns wide, which is less than the column count established by the first row}, %r{A table row was \d+ columns wide and exceeded the column count established by the first row}, %r{Table column \d+ .* has no cells beginning in it}, :code => :table_width, :weight => 71 rule %r{COMPATIBILITY_CHARACTER in PATH\.}, :code => :compat_char, :weight => 74 rule %r{The character encoding <code>.*</code> is not widely supported}, %r{Using <code>gbk</code> instead of the declared encoding}, :code => :char_encoding, :weight => 73 rule %r{Bad value <code> +http:.*? for attribute <code>href}, %r{Bad value <code> +http:.*? for attribute <code>src}, %r{<code>href</code> on element .*<code>a<.*: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE}, %r{<code>href</code> on element .*<code>area<.*: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE}, %r{<code>src</code> on element .*<code>img<.*: DOUBLE_WHITESPACE}, %r{<code>href</code> on element .*<code>a<.*: CONTROL_CHARACTER}, %r{<code>href</code> on element .*<code>a<.*: WHITESPACE in QUERY}, %r{<code>src</code> on element .*<code>img<.*: WHITESPACE in PATH}, :code => :space_in_url, :weight => 75 rule %r{Zero is not a positive integer}, :code => :nonpositive, :weight => 79 rule %r{An ID must not be the empty string}, :code => :empty_id, :weight => 81 rule %r{Duplicate ID <code>.*</code>}, %r{The first occurrence of ID <code>.*</code> was here}, :code => :duplicate_id, :weight => 82 rule %r{Browsing context name must be at least one character long}, :code => :empty_target, :weight => 83 rule %r{An ID must not contain whitespace}, :code => :id_whitespace, :weight => 83 rule %r{Bad value .*<code>Javascript.* for attribute .*<code>type.* on element .*<code>script.*: Subtype missing.}, :code => :bad_script_type, :weight => 70 rule %r{Attribute <code>modid}, %r{Attribute <code>data}, %r{Attribute <code>image</code> not allowed on element .*<code>img<}, %r{Attribute <code>defaulturl</code> not allowed on element .*<code>form<}, %r{Attribute <code>url</code> not allowed on element .*<code>img<}, %r{Attribute <code>pos</code> not allowed on element .*<code>a<}, %r{Attribute <code>qlicon</code> not allowed on element .*<code>img<}, %r{Attribute <code>thumb</code> not allowed on element .*<code>img<}, %r{Attribute <code>ql</code> not allowed on element .*<code>button<}, %r{Attribute <code>smartpid</code> not allowed on element .*<code>input<}, %r{Attribute <code>articleid</code> not allowed on element .*<code>span<}, %r{Attribute <code>overflowurl</code> not allowed on element .*<code>span<}, %r{Attribute <code>jotid</code> not allowed on element}, :code => :nonstandard_attribute, :weight => 46 rule %r{Bad character .* Probable cause: Unescaped}, :code => :private_extension, :weight => 84 rule %r{Start tag <code>p</code> seen in <code>table</code>}, %r{Start tag <code>div</code> seen in <code>table</code>}, :code => :parse_error_reparenting, :weight => 85 rule %r{The element <code>button</code> must not appear as a descendant of the <code>a</code> element}, %r{The element <code>img</code> with the attribute <code>usemap</code> must not appear as a descendant of the <code>a</code> element.}, %r{An <code>a</code> start tag seen with already an active <code>a</code> element}, :code => :nested_interactive_elements, :weight => 82 rule %r{must have an ID value that matches that <code>for</code> attribute}, %r{The <code>for</code> attribute of the <code>label</code> element must refer to a form control}, %r{there is no <code>map</code> element with a <code>name</code> attribute with that value}, :code => :reference_integrity, :weight => 75 rule %r{</code> must not appear as a descendant of the <code>}, :code => :schema, :weight => 85 rule %r{Bad value <code>true</code> for attribute <code>defer</code>}, %r{Bad value .* for attribute <code>dir</code> on element}, :code => :bad_attr_value, :weight => 85 rule %r{Bad value <code>.*</code> for the attribute <code>xmlns</code>}, :code => :bad_xmlns, :weight => 89 rule %r{An <code>img</code> element must have a <code>src</code> attribute}, :code => :img_missing_src, :weight => 86 # rule %r{Required attributes missing on element}, rule %r{An <code>img</code> element must have a <code>src</code> attribute}, :code => :required_attrs, :weight => 86 rule %r{Attribute <code>widh</code> not allowed on element}, :code => :nonstandard_attribute_mispelled, :weight => 47 rule %r{Attribute <code>\w+:[^<]*;[^<]*</code>}, :code => :style_as_attribute, :weight => 90 rule %r{Attribute <code>;</code>}, :code => :stray_semicolon, :weight => 91 rule %r{Stray doctype}, :code => :stray_doctype, :weight => 91 rule %r{Bogus comment}, :code => :bogus_comment, :weight => 92 rule %r{Forbidden code point}, :code => :forbidden_code_point, :weight => 93 rule %r{<code>src</code> on element .*<code>img<.*: CONTROL_CHARACTER in PATH}, :code => :space_in_uri_path, :weight => 94 rule %r{Attribute <code>http:<}, %r{<code>"</code> in an unquoted attribute value}, %r{Attribute <code>www\.}, %r{A slash was not immediate followed by <code>><}, :code => :syntax_attr, :weight => 95 rule %r{Internal encoding declaration .* disagrees with the actual encoding of the document}, :code => :encoding_error, :weight=>98