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Dyslexia UC
From Digital Publishing Interest Group
- Accessibility: Dyslexia
- Use case
- Sam is a student with severe dyslexia. He is proficient with multiple assistive technology tools and performs well in advanced courses. He uses DAISY formatted
- textbooks with reading support software and relies on the DAISY navigation tools to find assigned reading passages. He also uses the annotation and bookmark tools
- to assist him with studying. Sam scans hardcopy handouts and runs OCR software to translate them into text that he can read with his assistive technology. Sam
- also uses free tools to support his reading needs. He saves articles and reading assignments to Pocket, so that he can change the font to a serifed font and adjust
- the white space and spacing between letters. These adjustments make text easier for him to read without having to use text-to-speech software. Sam is a straight A
- student in advanced courses, but has difficulty with high-stakes tests because he is not able to use tools to have passages read to him or to change the font
- characteristics and white space. He is allowed extra time on tests, which allows him to pass, but he does not perform at the same level he performs when he is
- allowed to use his assistive technology tools in the classroom.
- Requirement(s)
- • DAISY / ePUB3 compliance
- • read-aloud accommodations with synchronized text highlighting
- • Customizable font (serifed, sans serifed, weighted fonts,m etc.)
- • Customizable foreground and background colours
- • The ability to bookmark and annotate text
- • Customisable/optimum spacing
- • Assistive technology built in assessment (?)
- Stakeholder(s)
- PUBLISHERS-Education: K-12/Primary, Higher Education, Professional/ Vocational
- Ranking
- Relevant W3C group(s)/specification(s)
- • Accessibility Metadata
- • Web Accessibility Initiative Education and Outreach Working Group;Relations/dependencies:
- • ePUB3 (?)
- Comments
- Submitted by
- Pearson: Jan McSorley
- Status: NEW