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Dyslexia UC

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Accessibility: Dyslexia
Use case
Sam is a student with severe dyslexia. He is proficient with multiple assistive technology tools and performs well in advanced courses. He uses DAISY formatted
textbooks with reading support software and relies on the DAISY navigation tools to find assigned reading passages. He also uses the annotation and bookmark tools
to assist him with studying. Sam scans hardcopy handouts and runs OCR software to translate them into text that he can read with his assistive technology. Sam
also uses free tools to support his reading needs. He saves articles and reading assignments to Pocket, so that he can change the font to a serifed font and adjust
the white space and spacing between letters. These adjustments make text easier for him to read without having to use text-to-speech software. Sam is a straight A
student in advanced courses, but has difficulty with high-stakes tests because he is not able to use tools to have passages read to him or to change the font
characteristics and white space. He is allowed extra time on tests, which allows him to pass, but he does not perform at the same level he performs when he is
allowed to use his assistive technology tools in the classroom.
• DAISY / ePUB3 compliance
• read-aloud accommodations with synchronized text highlighting
• Customizable font (serifed, sans serifed, weighted fonts,m etc.)
• Customizable foreground and background colours
• The ability to bookmark and annotate text
• Customisable/optimum spacing
• Assistive technology built in assessment (?)
PUBLISHERS-Education: K-12/Primary, Higher Education, Professional/ Vocational
Relevant W3C group(s)/specification(s)
• Accessibility Metadata
• Web Accessibility Initiative Education and Outreach Working Group;Relations/dependencies:
• ePUB3 (?)
Submitted by
Pearson: Jan McSorley
Status: NEW