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Enabling Annotations on a Spec

From Spec Annotation Community Group
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To add annotation capabilities to your spec, follow these steps:

Add script reference to document

Use the following script reference in the document head:

<script src="https://notes.webplatform.org/annotator.js" async defer></script>

Add metadata to document

Canonical URL

In order to make sure that all versions of the spec (different TR working drafts, Editor's Drafts, etc.) have the same annotations, we need to have a canonical URL. In most cases, this will be the spec's shortname.

Add a link element in the document head, with the attributes rel="canonical" and href with the document shortname:

<link rel="canonical" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/">

Notification Email Address

In order to make sure that everyone has access to the annotations, and to ensure that the annotations are archived, the annotation script needs to be able to identify the feedback link.

On the a element for the group's feedback email list address, add the attribute rel="reply-to":

<a rel="reply-to" href="mailto:public-annotation@w3.org">public-annotation@w3.org</a>

(Obviously, use the shortname and email address of your own group, not the Web Annotation WG.)

You may wish to inform readers that they can annotated the specification, with a note like the following:

Feedback on this specification can be made via annotations. All annotations are archived on the <a rel="reply-to" href="mailto:public-annotation@w3.org">public-annotation@w3.org</a> mailing list (<a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/">archives</a>), and on the searchable <a href="https://notes.webplatform.org/stream">WebPlatform Notes stream</a>; see more details on <a href="https://notes.webplatform.org/">Notes.WebPlatform.org</a>. Note: To create annotations, you must have a <a href="https://accounts.webplatform.org/">WebPlatform.org account</a>; do not use your W3C credentials.

Publish the spec on a supported site

Currently, the following sites are supported for annotation from Notes.WebPlatform.org: