Monnet OntoLex Compatibility
This document describes the backwards compatibility of the Ontolex Lemon Model to the Monnet lemon model
Summary of changes
- LemonElement: Absent!
- Argument: Same
- Component: Previously "element max 1"
- (Lexical/Sense)Condition: Absent!
- Constituent: Deprecated, replace with Component
- (Lexical/Sense)Context: Absent!
- Definition: Absent!
- Form: Previously "representation min 1 Literal" now "writtenRep min 1 Literal"
- Frame: Same
- HasLanguage: Deprecated (sameAs LexicalEntry or Lexicon or MorphologicalPattern)
- LexicalEntry: Previously "canonicalForm max 1 Form", "lexicalForm min 1 Form"
- Part: Absent!
- Word: Absent!
- Phrase: Absent!
- Lexicon: Previously "entry min 1", "language exactly 1"
- MorphPattern: Removed
- HasPattern: Deprecated (sameAs LexicalEntry or Lexicon)
- LexicalTopic: Absent!
- MorphPattern: Removed
- MorphTransform: Removed
- Node: Deprecated, replace with Component
- PhraseElement: Deprecated (sameAs Argument or Component)
- PropertyValue: Absent!
- Prototype: Removed
- SyntacticRoleMarker: Deprecated (sameAs LexicalEntry or PropertyValue)
- UsageExample: Absent!
Object Properties
- condition: Absent!
- propertyDomain: Absent!
- propertyRange: Absent!
- context: Same
- decomposition: Deprecated, replace with subterm
- definition: Absent!
- edge: Deprecated, replace with subterm
- element: Deprecated, replace with identifies
- entry: Absent!
- example: Absent!
- formVariant: Absent!
- generates: Removed
- leaf: Deprecated, replace with identifies
- lexicalForm: Same
- canonicalForm: Same
- otherForm: Same
- abstractForm: Deprecated?
- property: Absent!
- lexicalVariant: Absent!
- marker: Same
- nextTransform: Removed
- pattern: Removed
- phraseRoot: Deprecated, replace with identifies
- reference: Same
- isReferenceOf: Same
- semArg: Same
- isA: Same
- subjOfProp: Same
- objOfProp: Same
- extrinsicArg: Absent!
- sense: Same
- isSenseOf: Same
- senseRelation: Absent!
- broader: Absent!
- narrower: Absent!
- incompatible: Absent!
- equivalent: Absent!
- subsense: Same
- synArg: Same
- synBehavior: Same
- topic: Absent!
- transform: Removed
- tree: Absent!
Data Properties
- language: Same
- optional: Same
- representation: Previously range was not limited to xsd:string
- separator: Absent!
- value: Absent
Detail of major differences to be discussed
Better description of senses
Monnet _lemon_ provides much better modelling for how senses are described and how they relate. In particular the following should likely be allowed by OntoLex Lemon
- Definitions on senses
- Examples of sense usage
- Contexts describing in what register, domain, etc. a particular word is used with a given meaning
- Conditions describing specific reasons when a sense should be chosen. These conditions must be inferable from the discourse (i.e., the text document) in contrast to contexts, which (generally) require non-discourse properties (e.g., when published, intended audience, etc.).
- Relationships between sense, especially incompatibility (indicating that two senses in spite of having the same reference are distinct)
Subclasses of lexical entry
Monnet _lemon_ supports indicating if a lexical entry is a multi-word unit, single word or affix. Should OntoLex Lemon also?
Generic linguistic types
Monnet _lemon_ introduces properties (formVariant, lexicalVariant, senseRelationship, property, PropertyValue) to indicate a particular property is linguistically interesting, e.g., "partOfSpeech" vs. "createdBy". We should consider whether to continue in this vein.
I assume entry is omitted only as an oversight.
extrinsicArg is likely too narrow to be worth including in the draft but we can consider it
tree is likely to be removed as OntoLex Lemon doesn't handle phrase structure grammars as exactly