DPVCG Workshop 04-NOV-2020
- Dates: 04-NOV-2020
- Time: 09:00 -- 16:00 CET
- Resolution of date: Meeting Call 07-OCT-2020
- Poll to participate:
- Meeting link and Call details: see internal mailing list
- Minutes: see below
- Notes: see below
Given the virtual setting, we will have a short break at the end of every hour or on request.
- 09:00 - 10:00 Resolution on DPV correctness and suggested usage with OWL/RDFS
- 10:00 - 11:00
- DPV term-addition and documentation process: GitHub repository used for generating serialisations and documentation
- DPV Use-Cases and Examples: GitHub repository for collecting use-cases
- Specifying 'examples' of DPV usage based on use-cases: starting with some use-cases
- DPV Primer document: DPV Primer - Google Docs
- 11:00 - 13:00 Deciding on terms proposed for adoption to DPV (see spreadsheet used to collect terms and relevant emails below)
- 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch / Break
- 14:00 - 15:30 Deciding on terms proposed for adoption to DPV (see spreadsheet used to collect terms and relevant emails below)
- 16:00 - wrap up meeting, decide on future items
spreadsheet used to collect terms:
relevant emails:
- Legal basis for transfer of personal data
- Representation of GDPR rights
- Concepts for privacy policy generation
- Personal data categories in the online context
- Purpose categories in the online context
- Missing concepts in dpv from GDPR Art 13 and 14, Treaty 108 and ISO/IEC 29184
- DPV to map the GDPR Register of Processing Activities
Attendees / Participants
- Harshvardhan J. Pandit (chair)
- Fajar J. Ekaputra
- Nishad Thalhath
- Piero Bonatti
- Beatriz Esteves
- Paul Ryan
- Georg Krogg
- George Lioudakis
- Rana Sanei
Meeting minutes, notes
Resolution on DPV suggested usage
- Piero: RDF treats terms as instances and compliance checking (with OWL) requires classes
- Piero shared screen: (summary of emails) consent as expression which is then converted to OWL ‘policy’ which can then be converted to other forms
- Property domain and range restrictions are the ones causing issues since they have incompatibilities such as classes as instances of themselves
- Agreement: remove property assertions to ‘free up the vocabulary’, make note that additional assertions/restrictions can be added with caveat emptor about implications from ‘mixing contexts’
- isExplicit as a boolean property: two issues - (i) how to express additional attributes such as ‘freely given’ (ii) what happens if there is no information about isExplicit (open-world)
- Possible solutions: ExplicitConsent as class ; ConsentType as class with property hasType → discussion on mailing list
DPV term-addition and documentation process
- Agreement: Move to DPVCG github (transfer ownership)
DPV Use-Cases and Examples
- What do group members prefer or wish to see in terms of use-cases and examples?
- Start with simple use-cases e.g. controller uses processor OR processing uses personal data category ; and work up towards the consent policy (as more complex example)
- TRAPEZE (follow-up) to SPECIAL project, will be developing the technology to a higher maturity level ; and the use-cases can be shared with the group for discussion
- Agreement: have different use-cases and examples (not necessarily one for each) for simple and complex use-cases (some of each at the minimum)
- Specifying 'examples' of DPV usage based on use-cases
- Agreement: Specify examples in RDFS and OWL for each
- Should we also specify in JSON-LD? Piero: JSON-LD is missing a good way to express the OWL assertions (e.g. union)
DPV Primer document
- We have a primer document
- Harsh volunteers to author/edit, Beatriz volunteers to help with writing
Resolution on Proposed Terms
- Discussing rights: GDPR rights in spreadsheet
- Agreement: Namespace in dpv-gdpr; Name term IRI as per legal clause reference, label as legal clause + mnemonic ; Create base class ‘Rights’
- Data subject identity: already exists (as IRI)
- Data Controller identity: legal requirements require name, address, contact
- Agreement: we create properties for name, address, contact with no granularity and specify how to use and how to extend these as needed
- Automated decision making
- Agreement: remove the boolean properties in Processing and add them as classes so that more information can be associated with it
- Agreement: add properties for Automated Decision Making regarding decision consequences, logic, human involvement
- Data transfers and legal basis (adequacy decision in GDPR)
- Agreement: For data transfers we can reuse (repurpose) the existing location property (associated currently with storage) to specify location as destination or jurisdiction of the recipient and transfer
- Agreement: accept the legal basis for adequacy definitions and legal basis for transfers ; add them to the GDPR namespace
- in the next iteration we have action to identify concepts from these legal bases and see whether we want to add them and where they fit in DPV
- Concluding remarks and resolutions
The following terms are to be added/modified:
- dpv:Rights as a top-level concept for the expression of Rights afforded to an individual
- GDPR rights added to DPV-GDPR namespace
- A13
- A14
- A15
- A16
- A17
- A18
- A19
- A20
- A21
- A22
- A7-3
- A77
- GDPR legal basis based on data transfers and adequacy decision added to DPV-GDPR namespace
- A46
- A49
- The following properties in TechnicalOrganisationMeasure are to be ‘relaxed’ in terms of assertions on domain and range so as to allow their reuse in other contexts
- Storage
- Location
- Duration
- Single Sign-on added as subclass of dpv:AuthenticationProtocols in TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
- DataSource concept and related properties hasDataSource added to Processing to indicate the source of data.
- Following classes added to Processing for identification and expression of information associated with them:
- DataSource
- SystematicMonitoring
- EvaluationScoring
- MatchingCombining
- AutomatedDecisionMaking along with its related properties hasLogicInvolved, hasConsequences, and hasHumanInvolvement
- Following list of purposes added:
- DirectMarketing
- Advertising
- PersonalisedAdvertising
- TechnicalServiceProvision
- RequestedServiceProvision; with the existing dpv:DeliveryOfGoods modified to be a subclass of it
- UsageAnalytics
- Communication
- LegalCompliance
- Marketing
- Payment
- SocialMediaMarketing
- Registration
- Following general properties added for expressing information about legal entities
- hasName
- hasAddress
- hasContact
- Added DPO (Data Protection Officer) and Supervisory Authority as a legal entity
- Added Representative as a generic concept and related property hasRepresentative to associate it with a legal entity
The following terms are to be removed:
- Boolean attributes for processing remove (see their additions as classes above)
- isSystematicMonitoring
- isEvaluationScoring
- isMatchingCombining
- isAutomatedDecisionMaking
- isLargeScale
- innovativeUseOfNewSolutions
Next Meeting / Continuation
Next meeting: Wednesday 2020-11-18 14:00 CET in the usual time-slot. Continuation of resolving terms proposed for DPVCG.