ISA2 Core Vocabularies

From Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group

ISA² Core Vocabularies

Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens (ISA²) is a programme that supports the development of digital solutions that enable public administrations, businesses and citizens in Europe to benefit from interoperable cross-border and cross-sector public services. As part of deliverables (termed solutions), it provides a set of 'core' vocabularies described in this page.

  • domain: generic
  • creators/authors/publishers: European Commission
  • license: ISA Open Metadata License v11
  • url link: download page | SEMIC
  • documentation if available online: [file:///home/harsh/Downloads/Core_Vocabularies-Business_Location_Person_v1.00_RDF_Schema/person-v1.00.html link]


  • Core Person Vocabulary
    • Defines 'Person' as the subclass of foaf:Person and schema:Person
    • Provides attributes of a person such as given name and dob (similar to FOAF)
    • Provides 'identifier' property to identify a unique person
  • Core Location Vocabulary
    • Provides Address and Geometry as classes to describe locations
  • Core Business Vocabulary
    • Provides 'Legal Entity' as a concept along with properties to describe things such as identifiers
    • Provides properties to describe activity, status, and type as forms of classification