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Customer Experience Digital Data Community Group:Community Portal

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Meeting Minutes

Minutes from April 11 Summit 2013

1. Several open issues were worked through

2. Date set for first draft specification at May 3, 2013

Minutes of Meeting on March 7th, 2013

1. The Core Objects subgroup provided an update on their work. It was a lively discussion around Object Literals and required/optional fields.

2. Core Objects will be meeting with Dynamic values team, and with the Customization subgroup team to pull in their recommendations into the fold.

Minutes of Meeting on February 21, 2013

1. Privacy Sub-group gave updates focusing the discussion on Privacy vs Sensitivity, Enforcement and how far should we go in the specs.

2. Good discussion on role of the "data collector" in this layer, difficulty of enforcement, but important to provide hints to site owners in setting this up.

Minutes of Meeting on February 7, 2013

1. Update from Core Objects Review subgroup. Sticking to JavaScript Objects as the main path forward. Use of Object Literals being encouraged. Collecting Use Cases.

2. Update from Dynamic Values subgroup - Design Document released to broader group for comments. Solution expected to have some effect on the core objects.

3. Next meeting on February 21, update from the Privacy subgroup.

Minutes of Meeting on January 10, 16 & 24, 2013

1. Most significant outcome from meetings of last three weeks is that everyone got an opportunity to review the material.

2. An additional subgroup - Core Objects and Syntax Review subgroup was created.

3. Timelines have been established now for each subgroup.

4. Next meeting is on February 7th to review the Core Objects & Syntax Groups' object definitions

Minutes of Meeting on January 3, 2013

1. Introductions by Adobe, Best Buy and Karen Myers of W3C

2. Hutch White (IBM) gave a brief update on developments in the unified base specification

3. Three sub-groups were formed - Privacy, Dynamic Pages/Values, Customization/Extension mechanism

4. Laura Holmes (Google) gave an update on logistics and agenda for the January 16 summit

5. Karen Myers introduced the group to the upcoming workshop hosted by W3C (June target)

Minutes of Meeting on December 13, 2012

1. Charter was Approved by Consensus

2. Hutch White (IBM) walked the participants through the W3C Member submission, highlighting differences with other draft activities such as from the Open Data Alliance.