Redesign 2012
For tracking deployment plans. In tracker see redesign product.
Summary of milestones
- Finish templates
- Create mockups for ideas proposed weekend of 1 Sep 2012
- Update JS and CSS
- testing + IE support for any new pieces of templates.
- See action items for other adjustments.
- Create a new wordpress theme
- And smarty templates
- Test
- Make content changes, fix bugs, track what content changes will be necessary at deployment.
- Set up a test community group so people can join/leave/publish. Leave other groups in place but disable join for those groups.
- Get community council review of test instance.
- Public review
- TPAC 2012 and public announcement (along with other changes, policies proposals, metrics). Call for bugs.
- Deployment
- Content adjustments
- Announcement
- Performance improvements
- improve loading of pages with lots of images (lazy loading).
- Mobile-friendly improvements
- 6:
- Sorin to upload known static templates
- 14:
- Jean-Gui (with TomG?) to begin to code of filtering and sorting for reports, participants, groups (on static versions of pages).
- 21:
- Sorin to upload new templates
- Jean-Gui to confirm filtering and sorting working.
- 5:
- Test new account creation work-flow (action 34)
- Test and debug internally (including cross-browser)
- Create a test CG
- 15:
- Sorin to upload Wordpress theme (including login modal window), smarty templates, symfony templates
- Solicit Community Council review of test CG (using scenarios we write up)
- 22
- Dom reviews templates (css, html)
- 29:
- During TPAC 2012 (to 2 Nov) announce plan for new styles, 4-week review and testing.
- Conduct some user testing (e.g., Sorin in Montreal, Ian in Chicago)
- 29
- Deployment
- 30
- Testing
- 3
- Announce publicly
- CG/BG home
- About
- tools
- comparison
- goals
- generic new page (example). Has comments.
- Individual blog pages (example)
List of groups
Group home
- home example group home
- participants example group participants
- join example join
- leave example leave
- Reports home
- Each group home page has a reports block
- Publish (available to chairs)
- List of FSA commitments (per spec)
- Make a commitment form (per spec)
Notes on template deployment
- Wordpress theme will be brand new, rather than overwriting the old one. It will be in WWW/community/src/templates/wordpress/cgbg2012.
- Smarty templates will also have their own directory: WWW/community/src/templates/smarty/cgbg2012.
- I haven't looked at Symfony templates yet, but I think we can do something similar and just change the symlink on cg server.
- Making Wordpress use new Smarty templates should be easy: it's only a matter of changing a configuration in wp-config.php.