Overdue Actions

Apply the following changes to selected action items:

There are 15 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-11 (edit) open Add check to group description change API to ensure person authorized to make change Jean-Guilhem Rouel 2018-12-31 descEdit
ACTION-23 (edit) open RRSagent save to wiki Ted Guild 2013-04-01
ACTION-32 (edit) open Document best practice re: cg/wg transitions Ian Jacobs 2013-12-01
ACTION-42 (edit) open Explore single sign-on between WP and media wiki Ted Guild 2014-03-31
ACTION-61 (edit) open One month after launch welcome message Ian Jacobs 2012-09-25 betterMail
ACTION-70 (edit) open Summarize suggestions/considerations regarding CG Report classes, title, and status info Ian Jacobs 2013-04-05
ACTION-71 (edit) open Wiki skin with new style (and link back to cg home) Ian Jacobs 2014-02-01 Redesign 2012
ACTION-154 (edit) open Create a UI for team to edit/delete spec information Ian Jacobs 2013-08-31
ACTION-176 (edit) open Look at how to send some new emails from wordpress plugins Jean-Guilhem Rouel 2018-12-31
ACTION-273 (edit) open Enable groups to embed twitter feeds in their pages? Ian Jacobs 2014-09-04
ACTION-322 (edit) open Use a success story to help explain CGs Ian Jacobs 2015-02-15
ACTION-325 (edit) open Add an additional statement to BG join form for non-Members that staff will follow up re: payments. Ian Jacobs 2015-02-20
ACTION-326 (edit) open Highlight and give easy access to tools mention Ian Jacobs 2015-03-24
ACTION-328 (edit) open Adjust style sheets so tool bar does not move to bottom of page at slightly larger font size Ian Jacobs 2015-04-15
ACTION-329 (edit) open Add a link from call-for-support message to CFP message once group is launched Jean-Guilhem Rouel 2015-04-24

Add a new action item. See all the action items

Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>, Chair, Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux <dom@w3.org>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <w3t-sys@w3.org>.
$Id: overdue.html,v 1.1 2019/10/22 13:18:52 carcone Exp $