Gruffalo Bibframe +

From Community Group

BIBFRAME + Output (Turtle) Source for Gruffalo (LCCN 98033893)

@prefix bf: <> . @prefix bflc: <> . @prefix madsrdf: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix schema: <> . @prefix xml: <> . @prefix xsd: <> .

<> a bf:Instance,

       schema:CreativeWork ;
   bf:itemOf <> ;
   bf:shelfMark [ a bf:ShelfMarkLcc ;
           rdfs:label "PZ8.3.D7235 Gr 1999" ;
           bf:source <> ] ;
   schema:description "A clever mouse uses the threat of a terrifying creature to keep from being eaten by a fox, an owl, and a snake--only to have to outwit that creature as well." ;
   schema:exampleOfWork <> ;
   schema:name "The gruffalo" ;
   schema:sdDatePublished "2020-01-16" ;
   schema:sdLicense <> ;
   schema:sdPublisher <> ;
   schema:sku "PZ8.3.D7235 Gr 1999" .

<> a bf:GenreForm ;

   rdfs:label "fiction" .

<> a bf:Place .

<> a bf:DescriptionConventions ;

   rdfs:label "aacr" .

<> a bf:Issuance .

<> a bf:Language .

<> a bf:DescriptionAuthentication ;

   rdf:value "lcac" .

<> a bf:IntendedAudience ;

   rdfs:label "primary" .

<> a bflc:EncodingLevel ;

   rdfs:label "full" .

<> a bf:Illustration ;

   rdfs:label "illustrations" .

<> a bf:Role .

<> a bf:Topic,

       madsrdf:ComplexSubject ;
   rdfs:label "Mice--Fiction." ;
   bf:source [ a bf:Source ;
           bf:code "lcshac" ] ;
   schema:name "Mice--Fiction." ;
   madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Mice--Fiction." ;
   madsrdf:componentList ( [ a madsrdf:Topic ;
               madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Mice" ] [ a madsrdf:Topic ;
               madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Fiction" ] ) ;
   madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSScheme <>,
       <> .

<> a bf:Topic,

       madsrdf:ComplexSubject ;
   rdfs:label "Animals--Fiction." ;
   bf:source [ a bf:Source ;
           bf:code "lcshac" ] ;
   schema:name "Animals--Fiction." ;
   madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Animals--Fiction." ;
   madsrdf:componentList ( [ a madsrdf:Topic ;
               madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Animals" ] [ a madsrdf:Topic ;
               madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Fiction" ] ) ;
   madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSScheme <>,
       <> .

<> a bf:Topic,

       madsrdf:Topic ;
   rdfs:label "Stories in rhyme." ;
   bf:source [ a bf:Source ;
           bf:code "lcshac" ] ;
   schema:name "Stories in rhyme." ;
   madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Stories in rhyme." ;
   madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSScheme <>,
       <> .

<> a bf:Text,

       schema:CreativeWork ;
   rdfs:label "The gruffalo" ;
   bf:adminMetadata [ a bf:AdminMetadata ;
           bflc:encodingLevel <> ;
           bf:changeDate "2004-08-02T12:41:12"^^xsd:dateTime ;
           bf:creationDate "1998-07-28"^^xsd:date ;
           bf:descriptionAuthentication <> ;
           bf:descriptionConventions <> ;
           bf:descriptionModifier <> ;
           bf:generationProcess [ a bf:GenerationProcess ;
                   rdfs:label "DLC marc2bibframe2 v1.5.1: 2020-01-08T05:58:48-05:00" ] ;
           bf:identifiedBy [ a bf:Local ;
                   bf:assigner <> ;
                   rdf:value "4507628" ] ;
           bf:source <> ;
           bf:status [ a bf:Status ;
                   rdfs:label "corrected or revised" ;
                   bf:code "c" ] ] ;
   bf:classification [ a bf:ClassificationLcc ;
           bf:classificationPortion "PZ8.3.D7235" ;
           bf:itemPortion "Gr 1999" ;
           bf:source <> ],
       [ a bf:ClassificationDdc ;
           bf:assigner <> ;
           bf:classificationPortion "[E]" ;
           bf:edition ""^^xsd:anyURI,
               "full" ] ;
   bf:contribution [ a bflc:PrimaryContribution,
               bf:Contribution ;
           bf:agent <> ;
           bf:role <> ],
       [ a bf:Contribution ;
           bf:agent <> ;
           bf:role [ a bf:Role ;
                   rdfs:label "ill." ;
                   bflc:relatorMatchKey "ill" ] ] ;
   bf:genreForm <> ;
   bf:hasInstance <> ;
   bf:identifiedBy [ a bf:Lccn ;
           rdf:value "98033893" ] ;
   bf:illustrativeContent <> ;
   bf:intendedAudience <> ;
   bf:language <> ;
   bf:subject <>,
       <> ;
   bf:summary [ a bf:Summary ;
           rdfs:label "A clever mouse uses the threat of a terrifying creature to keep from being eaten by a fox, an owl, and a snake--only to have to outwit that creature as well." ] ;
   bf:title [ a bf:Title ;
           rdfs:label "gruffalo" ;
           bflc:titleSortKey "gruffalo" ;
           bf:mainTitle "The gruffalo" ] ;
   schema:about <>,
       <> ;
   schema:author <> ;
   schema:contributor <> ;
   schema:description "A clever mouse uses the threat of a terrifying creature to keep from being eaten by a fox, an owl, and a snake--only to have to outwit that creature as well." ;
   schema:inLanguage "eng" ;
   schema:name "The gruffalo" ;
   schema:sdDatePublished "2020-01-16" ;
   schema:sdLicense <> ;
   schema:sdPublisher <> ;
   schema:workExample <> .

<> a bf:Agent,

       schema:Person ;
   rdfs:label "Scheffler, Axel," ;
   bflc:name00MarcKey "7001 $aScheffler, Axel,$eill." ;
   bflc:name00MatchKey "Scheffler, Axel," ;
   schema:name "Scheffler, Axel" .

<> a bf:Agent,

       schema:Person ;
   rdfs:label "Donaldson, Julia." ;
   bflc:name00MarcKey "1001 $aDonaldson, Julia." ;
   bflc:name00MatchKey "Donaldson, Julia." ;
   bflc:primaryContributorName00MatchKey "Donaldson, Julia." ;
   schema:name "Donaldson, Julia" .

<> a bf:Instance,

       schema:Product ;
   rdfs:label "The gruffalo" ;
   bf:dimensions "28 cm." ;
   bf:editionStatement "1st ed" ;
   bf:extent [ a bf:Extent ;
           rdfs:label "1 v. (unpaged)" ] ;
   bf:hasItem <> ;
   bf:identifiedBy [ a bf:Isbn ;
           bf:qualifier "trade" ;
           rdf:value "0803723865" ],
       [ a bf:Lccn ;
           rdf:value "98033893" ] ;
   bf:instanceOf <> ;
   bf:issuance <> ;
   bf:note [ a bf:Note ;
           rdfs:label "col. ill." ;
           bf:noteType "Physical details" ] ;
   bf:provisionActivity [ a bf:ProvisionActivity,
               bf:Publication ;
           bf:agent _:N26fb2406972b418299ab38a68e70ff9b ;
           bf:date "c1999" ;
           bf:place [ a bf:Place,
                       schema:Place ;
                   rdfs:label "New York" ;
                   schema:name "New York" ] ],
       [ a bf:ProvisionActivity,
               bf:Publication ;
           bf:date "1999"^^<> ;
           bf:place <> ] ;
   bf:provisionActivityStatement "New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, c1999." ;
   bf:responsibilityStatement "Julia Donaldson ; pictures by Axel Scheffler" ;
   bf:title [ a bf:Title ;
           rdfs:label "The gruffalo" ;
           bflc:titleSortKey "gruffalo" ;
           bf:mainTitle "The gruffalo" ] ;
   schema:datePublished "1999",
       "c1999" ;
   schema:description "A clever mouse uses the threat of a terrifying creature to keep from being eaten by a fox, an owl, and a snake--only to have to outwit that creature as well.",
       "col. ill." ;
   schema:exampleOfWork <> ;
   schema:isbn "0803723865" ;
   schema:name "The gruffalo" ;
   schema:numberOfPages "1 v. (unpaged)" ;
   schema:publisher _:N26fb2406972b418299ab38a68e70ff9b ;
   schema:sdDatePublished "2020-01-16" ;
   schema:sdLicense <> ;
   schema:sdPublisher <> .

<> a bf:Agent,

       bf:Source ;
   rdfs:label "DLC" .

_:N26fb2406972b418299ab38a68e70ff9b a bf:Agent,

       schema:Organization ;
   rdfs:label "Dial Books for Young Readers" ;
   schema:name "Dial Books for Young Readers" .