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The Template:UserInput has the following parameters:

  • presented-item Which element or part of the web page is presented to the user?
  • requires-context Is this question context-sensitive? Optional with default value "no". E.g. captions for a video can be checked without looking at the context of the page.
  • requires-interaction Does the user have to interact with the web content to answer the question?. Optional with default value "no". E.g. the alternative text of an image can be checked without interaction with the web content.
  • question The question that the user should answer.
  • answer-options Optional with default value "yes/no".
    Note that an implementation of a user testing tool should also provide the option to skip a question. This answer option is not part of the auto-wcag test step.
  • help Instructions explaining the purpose of the test step.
  • repair (optional) Addtional open question where the user can be asked to provide a repair suggestion for the problem. E.g. a correct text alternative.


 |presented-item = 
 |requires-context =
 |requires-interaction =
 |question =
 |answer-options =
 |help =
 |repair =


 |presented-item = the selected text
 |question = Is L1 the only language used in this text?
 |help = If the text contains a phrase or sentence in another language, please answer "no". If there are only single words in another language and the rest of the text is in L1, please answer "yes".
 |repair = If no, what is the language of the text?

User input question

Item presented to the user: the selected text

Question: Is L1 the only language used in this text?

Answer options: "yes/no"

Help text: If the text contains a phrase or sentence in another language, please answer "no". If there are only single words in another language and the rest of the text is in L1, please answer "yes".

Repair suggestion: If no, what is the language of the text?

Properties of the test step:

  • context-sensitive = no
  • user interaction (with the web content) required = no