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Argumentation Markup (Further Discussion)

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Existing or New Formats, Models, or Ontologies for Metadata, Provenance, Mathematical Proof, and Argumentation

Existing or new formats, models, or ontologies (e.g. text-based, XML-based, JSON-based, RDF-based, AIF-based) could be of use for external and inline machine-utilizable resources referenced by URI-addressable facts or claims, such resources containing metadata, provenance, mathematical proof, and/or argumentation.

Embedding Metadata, Provenance, Mathematical Proof, and Argumentation in HTML Documents

Additionally, resources could be embedded in HTML documents (e.g. RDFa, microdata, JSON-LD), such documents containing metadata, provenance, mathematical proof, and/or argumentation about a fact or claim. In addition to being machine-utilizable, such resources could be human-readable.

For HTML documents which are about a URI-addressable fact or claim, e.g. containing metadata, provenance, mathematical proof, and/or argumentation, one could use the <link> element in a manner resembling:

    <link rel="about" href="https://www.example.org/document.xhtml#fact-123" />
    <base href="https://www.example.org/external-proof-123.xhtml" />

Specifying Hints for Clustering URI-addressable Facts or Claims

URI-addressable facts or claims from across a corpus of documents may often be clustered such that similar or isomorphic facts or claims (e.g. paraphrases or translations) are clustered together. Document authors could specify hints for such clustering algorithms.

    <base href="https://www.example.org/document.xhtml" />
    <fact id="fact-123" similarto="https://www.other.org/earlier-document.xhtml#fact-99" meta="external-proof-123.xhtml">HTML and MathML content</span>

In the above example, a URI-addressable fact or claim, https://www.example.org/document.xhtml#fact-123, is hinted by a document author or software tool to be similar to another URI-addressable fact or claim, https://www.other.org/earlier-document.xhtml#fact-99. Such hints could also be indicated in metadata resources, perhaps using an existing linguistics ontology or a new predicate for indicating a rephrase or paraphase.

    <base href="https://www.example.org/document.xhtml" />
    <fact id="fact-123" dissimilarto="https://www.other.org/earlier-document.xhtml#fact-99" meta="external-proof-123.xhtml">HTML and MathML content</span>

In the above example, a URI-addressable fact or claim, https://www.example.org/document.xhtml#fact-123, is hinted by a document author or software tool to be dissimilar to another URI-addressable fact or claim, https://www.other.org/earlier-document.xhtml#fact-99. An example scenario for the dissimilarto content hint is when one fact or claim is a logical negation of another. Such hints could also be indicated in metadata resources.

    <base href="https://www.example.org/en/document.xhtml" />
    <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="https://www.example.org/fr/document.xhtml" />
    <fact id="fact-123" similarto="https://www.example.org/fr/document.xhtml#fact-123" meta="external-proof-123.xhtml">HTML and MathML content</span>

Content hints could also be useful for multilingual scenarios, for clustering URI-addressable facts or claims expressed in different languages. Again, such hints could also be indicated in metadata resources.

See also:

  • owl:sameAs (http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs)
  • ov:similarTo (http://open.vocab.org/terms/similarTo)


The following examples show how RDFa could be of use for representing URI-addressable facts or claims in HTML documents.

    <base href="https://www.example.org/document.xhtml" />
  <body vocab="http://schema.org/">
    <span id="fact-123" about="#fact-123" typeof="Fact" property="text" datatype="rdf:XMLLiteral">...</span>
    <base href="https://www.example.org/document.xhtml" />
  <body vocab="http://schema.org/">
    <span id="fact-123" about="#fact-123" typeof="Fact" property="meta" resource="https://www.example.org/external-proof-123.xhtml">
      <span property="text" datatype="rdf:XMLLiteral">...</span>
    <base href="https://www.example.org/document.xhtml" />
    <script id="inline-proof-123" type="application/ld+json">...</script>
  <body vocab="http://schema.org/">
    <span id="fact-123" about="#fact-123" typeof="Fact" property="meta" resource="#inline-proof-123">
      <span property="text" datatype="rdf:XMLLiteral">...</span>

The following example shows how RDFa could be of use for models including multiple types of services, when a document author recommends uses of specific resources or services for fact-checking or reasoning-checking a fact or claim.

    <base href="https://www.example.org/document.xhtml" />
    <script id="inline-proof-123" type="application/ld+json">...</script>
  <body vocab="http://schema.org/">
    <span id="fact-123" about="#fact-123" typeof="Fact">
      <link rel="fact-checking" href="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:FactCheck" />
      <link rel="proof" href="https://www.services.org/proof" />
      <link rel="proof-checking" href="https://www.services.org/proof-checking" />
      <span property="text" datatype="rdf:XMLLiteral">...</span>

In the above examples, the datatype of rdf:XMLLiteral is used so that the content of the fact or claim can contain MathML.

New Document Metadata Element?

Eventually, there could be a service document metadata element, resembling:

<html xmlns:ext="http://www.namespace.org/extensibility#">
    <service rel="proof"
      selector="@namespace ext url('http://www.namespace.org/extensibility#'); [ext|proof]"
      resource="@namespace ext url('http://www.namespace.org/extensibility#'); attr(ext|proof url)" />

    <script id="inline-proof-123" type="...">...</script>
    <math id="fact-123" ext:proof="#inline-proof-123">MathML Content</math>
    <math id="fact-124" ext:proof="external-proof-124.php">MathML Content</math>
    <service rel="proof"
      resource="attr(data-proof url)"
      href="https://www.services.org/proof" />

    <script id="inline-proof-124">...</script>
    <math id="fact-123" class="proveable">MathML Content</math>
    <math id="fact-124" class="proveable" data-proof="#inline-proof-124">MathML Content</math>
    <math id="fact-125" class="proveable" data-proof="external-proof-125.php">MathML Content</math>

Might Document Services be Web Services?

Might document services be Web services?

    <meta name="proof-selector" content="math.proveable" />
    <meta name="proof-resource" content="attr(data-proof url)" />
    <link rel="proof-service-provider" type="application/wsdl+xml" href="https://www.services.org/proof" />

    <script id="inline-proof-124" type="...">...</script>
    <math id="fact-123" class="proveable">MathML Content</math>
    <math id="fact-124" class="proveable" data-proof="#inline-proof-124">MathML Content</math>
    <math id="fact-125" class="proveable" data-proof="external-proof-125.php">MathML Content</math>
    <service rel="proof"
      resource="attr(data-proof url)"
      href="https://www.services.org/proof" />

    <script id="inline-proof-124">...</script>
    <math id="fact-123" class="proveable">MathML Content</math>
    <math id="fact-124" class="proveable" data-proof="#inline-proof-124">MathML Content</math>
    <math id="fact-125" class="proveable" data-proof="external-proof-125.php">MathML Content</math>

Metadata and Selectors

Cascading Style Sheets Metadata Functions

One could envision CSS functions for adding metadata, link() and meta(), to selected document elements:

    <style type="text/css">
      [role~='fact'] { metadata: link(...) link(...); }
      math.proveable { metadata: link(...) meta(...); }
    <span id="fact-123" role="fact">HTML and MathML content</span>
    <math id="fact-124" class="proveable">MathML content</math>

Cascading Style Sheets Service Functions

One could envision a CSS function, service(), for adding document services to selected document elements:

    <style type="text/css">
      [role~='fact'] { services: service('fact-checking', url(...)); }
      math.proveable { services: service('proof', url(...)); }
    <span id="fact-123" role="fact">HTML and MathML content</span>
    <math id="fact-124" class="proveable">MathML content</math>