
Apply the following changes to selected action items:

There are 31 actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed Work with ted and kaz on github repository layout Paul Boyes 2015-04-30
ACTION-2 (edit) closed send out formal call for Editors Adam Abramski 2015-04-30
ACTION-3 (edit) closed Draft a public blog cfp on joint security tf to run by group before announcing Ted Guild 2015-04-30
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Recommend to the group how to create test suite Kazuyuki Ashimura 2015-04-30
ACTION-5 (edit) closed Send f2f proposal to both mailing lists Adam Abramski 2015-04-30
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Start a wiki to collect notes of activities of possible w3c/genivi collaboration on devices Ted Guild 2015-05-01
ACTION-7 (edit) closed Work with kaz and other w3c team mates, e.g., denis, mike, robin and dom, on how to use the web testing platform Ted Guild 2015-05-26
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Find out how device api wg is handling testing of sensors api WonSuk Lee 2015-07-01
ACTION-9 (edit) closed Send out the list of topics based on the f2f discussion to the group Paul Boyes 2015-08-05
ACTION-10 (edit) closed Close issue 56 as out of scope/not relevant to our wg based on conversations/understanding from jlr and volvo at genivi Ted Guild 2015-11-02
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Provide a list of features which are surely available any kind of cars Paul Boyes 2015-12-17
ACTION-12 (edit) closed Talk with mike smith about w3c web platform testing and jasmine Kazuyuki Ashimura 2015-12-17
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Create a doodle poll to gather people's availability Kazuyuki Ashimura 2015-12-17
ACTION-14 (edit) closed Follow up on existing webidl binding thread Ted Guild 2016-02-09
ACTION-15 (edit) closed Learn more from exi json idl effort and webidl and make introductions to team contacts Ted Guild 2016-02-09
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Look into the detail of the sota web server api Paul Boyes 2016-05-17
ACTION-17 (edit) closed Send a reminder to the bg about the media tuner work WonSuk Lee 2016-07-19
ACTION-18 (edit) closed Add iso8855 in vss (for Magnus Feuer) Rudolf Streif 2016-08-02
ACTION-19 (edit) closed Survey japanese oem on interest in web socket and webidl approaches Kazuyuki Ashimura 2016-08-03
ACTION-20 (edit) closed Generate a template html for the updated wg charter under the w3c/automotive github repo Kazuyuki Ashimura 2016-08-04
ACTION-21 (edit) closed Conduct a wbs survey to gather people's availability for the next f2f meeting during tpac 2016 Kazuyuki Ashimura 2016-08-04
ACTION-22 (edit) closed Ping the group about demo at genivi amm Kazuyuki Ashimura 2016-08-30
ACTION-23 (edit) closed Talk with hashimoto-san about if it would make sense to have a joint session with the security wg/ig during tpac Kazuyuki Ashimura 2016-09-20
ACTION-24 (edit) closed Check what we need for use cases to support the spec Ted Guild 2016-09-26
ACTION-25 (edit) closed Make a list of actions for the service spec(what needs to be done in the following months.) Adam Crofts 2016-09-26
ACTION-26 (edit) closed Generate some examples of json schema usage WonSuk Lee 2016-10-12
ACTION-27 (edit) closed Write summary of the decision Ted Guild 2017-11-14
ACTION-28 (edit) closed Draft recharter Ted Guild 2017-11-14
ACTION-29 (edit) closed Reach out to oem for policy Ted Guild 2019-03-28
ACTION-30 (edit) closed Create survey Ted Guild 2019-04-09
ACTION-31 (edit) closed Review repository permissions Ted Guild 2019-10-29

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Paul Boyes <>, Peter Winzell <>, Patrick Lünnemann <>, Chairs, Ted Guild <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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