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written 21 October 2014


Jeanne Spellman

Success Criteria

1.8.9 Provide Viewport History: For user agents that implement a history mechanism for top-level viewports (e.g. "back" button), the user can return to any state in the viewport history that is allowed by the content, including: (Level AA)

  • restored point of regard
  • input focus
  • selection, and
  • user's form field entries


Test Procedure 1(Point of Regard)

  1. Open a test document that includes text and form fields
    Sample HTML test document: test page with rendered text and enabled elements
  2. Scroll down and notice a visible word in the text for reference.
  3. Follow a link or otherwise navigate to another URL.
  4. Select the back button to return to the original page.
  5. Check that the word selected for reference is visible. If focus is returned to the top of the page, this fails.

Expected Results 1

  • Check #5 is true

Test Procedure 2 (Input focus)

  1. Open a test document that includes text and form fields
    Sample HTML test document: test page with rendered text and enabled elements
  2. Move focus to an input form field.
  3. Follow a link or otherwise navigate to another URL.
  4. Select the back button to return to the original page.
  5. Check that focus has returned to the input field originally selected.

Expected Results 2

  • Check #5 is true

Test Procedure 3(Selection)

  1. Open a test document that includes text and form fields
    Sample HTML test document: test page with rendered text and enabled elements
  2. Scroll down and select a visible word in the text for reference.
  3. Follow a link or otherwise navigate to another URL.
  4. Select the back button to return to the original page.
  5. Check that the word selected is visible.

Expected Results 3

  • Check #5 is true

Test Procedure 4 (Input field entries)

  1. Open a test document that includes text and form fields
    Sample HTML test document: test page with rendered text and enabled elements
  2. Enter data in input form fields.
  3. Follow a link or otherwise navigate to another URL.
  4. Select the back button to return to the original page.
  5. Check that data entered in the input fields is still displayed when you return to the page.

Expected Results 4

  • Check #5 is true

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