Overdue Actions

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There are 39 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-10 (edit) open Find a tool to harvest WG resolutions Michael Cooper 2012-09-24 Administration
ACTION-17 (edit) open Add spec event for suspend/resume (non-media playback) for example, suspend upload or suspend live region chat log updates James Craig 2012-11-08 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-19 (edit) open Add volumeChangeRequest event with up/down and min/max James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-20 (edit) open Add volumeMuteRequest event with three values (on, off, toggle) James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-25 (edit) open Add markRequest with variant properties indicating "fromLast" (like Shift+click or select range from last mark) and "retainMarks" (like Mac Cmd+click or Win Ctrl+click meaning select in addition to) James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-26 (edit) open Research UI manipulation of size in graphics programs; may need a resizeRequest event with [x,y,(z?)] values and event properties "constrain proportions" and "lock centerpoint" James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-31 (edit) open consider column sorting events for grids James Craig 2012-11-18 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-40 (edit) open Add definitions of specific types of "implementations" to avoid vocabulary confusion within the working group James Craig 2014-08-06 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-41 (edit) open Create IndieUI Roadmap for both spec: which feature sets should go into 1.0 versions. Michael Cooper 2013-03-02 Administration
ACTION-45 (edit) open Clarify difference between "preference" and "state setting"; adopt naming convention of keys James Craig 2014-08-06 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-46 (edit) open Add preference for signLanguageDialect (preferred list of ISO-specced lang codes: ASL, etc) James Craig 2014-08-06 IndieUI: User Context (Future Release)
ACTION-47 (edit) open Change ISO-639 and ISO-3166 to BCP 47 http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt Michael Cooper 2014-08-06 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-48 (edit) open Clarify reason for using "subtitle" superset term as opposed to "captions" subset James Craig 2014-08-06 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-49 (edit) open Review user preferences for implications of key-value pair proposal Andy Heath 2013-04-17
ACTION-51 (edit) open Consider Patrick Harms intro text suggestions regarding lexical/syntactical/semantic layers of UI design James Craig 2013-05-08 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-52 (edit) open Review key/value pair proposal in relation to http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebSchemas/Accessibility Andy Heath 2013-05-08
ACTION-53 (edit) open Add ~"activate request" event to augment default action trigger when "click" handlers are inappropriate. James Craig 2013-05-10 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-54 (edit) open Email group to resoliciting uses cases for User Context requirements; Jason White 2013-06-05
ACTION-57 (edit) open Consider helpfocusrequest and mainfocusrequest in addition to toolbarfocusrequest and palettefocusrequest James Craig 2013-06-27 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-58 (edit) open Add another UIEvent for point-of-regard focus and blur (separate from keyboard focus/blur) James Craig 2013-06-28 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-61 (edit) open Heath to provide Use Cases Andy Heath 2013-07-17 IndieUI: User Context (Future Release)
ACTION-72 (edit) open Add graphic to the spec clarifying relationship of event receiver and event listener, using native scrolling versus custom scrollrequest as as example James Craig 2013-11-21 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-73 (edit) open Clarify in events spec that valuechangerequest is specific to custom numeric range widgets James Craig 2013-11-22 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-75 (edit) open Ask WebApps about the DOMTokenList and reflected attributes uiactions/@ui-actions; Ted mentioned there was some pushback against DOMTokenList. James Craig 2013-11-27 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-78 (edit) open Add editorial note to valuechangerequest mentioning the slider/thumb composite widget problem and pixel interface event reconciliation James Craig 2014-02-26 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-81 (edit) open Ensure user context public review version solicits input on the privacy concern of at identification Michael Cooper 2014-03-12
ACTION-82 (edit) open Link existing security restrictions for cross-domain James Craig 2014-03-12 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-83 (edit) open Address whether certain additional restrictions (such as ssl) would be required for restricted prefs like screen reader James Craig 2014-03-12 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-85 (edit) open Add seek forward/back in addition to previous/next (related to action-16) James Craig 2014-04-23 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-86 (edit) open Validator requirements in spec James Craig 2014-05-23 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-87 (edit) open Consider a way to query the DOM interface to determine what the key mapping is for a particular action, so that help text could be generated to include user-unique instructions. James Craig 2014-05-23 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-88 (edit) open Draft updated indieui charter, just in case Michael Cooper 2014-06-09
ACTION-91 (edit) open Add additional keys from CSS4 Media Queries: light-level, hover, pointer, etc. http://dev.w3.org/csswg/mediaqueries-4/#pointer James Craig 2014-09-24 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-92 (edit) open Reference http://www.webaxe.org/vestibular-issues-parallax-design/ as justification for reduce motion setting James Craig 2014-09-28 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-93 (edit) open Consider transparency reduction preference James Craig 2014-10-01 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-94 (edit) open Consider increased contrast setting in addition to user colors James Craig 2014-10-01 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-95 (edit) open Draft accessibility preferences from the two schems.org for accessibilityfeature and accessibilityhazard, and accessibiltyapi - based on today meeting Richard Schwerdtfeger 2014-12-22 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-96 (edit) open Draft frontmatter for webapps relationship for indieui events Michael Cooper 2014-12-24
ACTION-97 (edit) open Consider changing navigator.usersettings to window.usersettings (security model may require it in order to limit third partiy access) James Craig 2015-01-14 IndieUI: User Context 1.0

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <w3t-sys@w3.org>.
$Id: overdue.html,v 1.1 2016/04/04 15:09:42 ted Exp $