Scribing Commands and Related Info


This document provides some basic scribing commands and related information.

Scribe Commands and Tips for During the Meeting

  • Scribe: Name (assigns the scribe)
  • SpeakersInitials/IRC nickname: (capture the gist of what the person says)
  • ... (continue capturing what is being said without retyping the same speaker's initials or name again.)
    • If you don't know who is speaking, ask the speaker to identify themself.
    • Ask the speaker to repeat what he or she said, if it is important and you missed it.
  • Zakim, next item (brings up the next agenda item) or you can use TOPIC: at the start of each agenda topic.
    • If Zakim says the agenda was just opened, say Zakim, close this item then re-issue the next item command.
  • RESOLUTION: (resolution text)
    i.e., RESOLUTION: Updated CFC proposal accepted.
  • s/misspelling/correct spelling/ (Syntax to correct spelling errors and mistakes) i.e.,
    Note this must be written absolutely perfectly (any difference of case, punctuation, spacing, etc will cause it to fail), and it chokes if you have a slash in what you are trying to change.
    • @@ can be used as a marker while scribing for information missed that you want to fill in later. Then before sending the minutes search for "@@" and use the s/X/Y/ syntax to fill in any missing details. It may help to add a number, such as @@1, @@2, as the replacement command will only replace the most recent instance of the search string.

Scribe Post-Meeting Commands and Tasks

  • rrsagent, make minutes
    • Wait a couple minutes, then check if the minutes load at the URI rrsagent gives.
    • If the URI shows 403 after a few minutes, try rrsagent, make log world to make sure the minutes are publicly visible.
    • If the minutes don't show up after a few minutes still, re-issue the make minutes command. Sometimes it takes a couple tries.
  • zakim, end meeting
    • will generate the minutes one more time and dismiss the bots. If needed, zakim, bye and rrsagent, bye will dismiss them individually.
  • Draft an email that contains a link to minutes.
    • It is appreciated to have any Resolutions near top of email.
    • Very short (perhaps bulleted) summary is much appreciated. The agenda can very help with this.
  • Send the email to the group.

Related Commands

During the Meeting Commands for Participants

  • If something is scribed wrong or not well enough don't be afraid to improve it with the s/X/Y/ syntax as described above.
  • present+ Your Name (Each person present should add themself to the list of people present)
  • q+ (adds you to the speaker queue. Try to use the queue rather than jumping in on a conversation.)
  • q- (removes you from the speaker queue)
  • q+ to say [topic] (adds you to the speaker queue with an indication of what you want to say, which helps the chair prioritise.)
  • /me non-minuted comment (to make a comment that you don't want recorded in the minutes) i.e.,
    /me feels like a beer (will not get recorded) but
    I feel like a beer (will be recorded for posterity. And also make the minutes more painful to read.)
  • /msg rrsagent help (get rrsagent help in a private channel rather than cluttering up the entire thing)
  • /msg zakim help (get zakim help in a private channel rather than cluttering up the entire thing)

Pre-Meeting Setup Commands for those Running the Meeting

  • agenda: url
  • rrsagent, set logs world-visible
  • regrets+ person's_name, person's_name, person's_name, person's_name
  • Zakim, agenda?
  • Chair: Chair's Name (assigns the chair for the meeting)

Further Information