Notes on the WCAG Technique Sections
- Applicability: no change
- Description: May want to remove "hearing impairments." The deaf community views this term as derogatory. Change "people who have hearing impairments or otherwise have trouble hearing the dialogue in synchronized media material to be able to view" to "deaf and hard of hearing people to view and understand"
- Examples: I think the current examples are sufficient
- Resources:
- http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/embedded-content.html#the-track-element
- Good resource on adding captions to HTML5 video: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Apps/Build/Audio_and_video_delivery/Adding_captions_and_subtitles_to_HTML5_video
It doesn't look like SMIL is popular... not much support for it. Should we drop it?
- Related: no change
- Tests: Probably no change
- Detlev Fischer, 26 Feb 2014