Accessibility around the world - potential EOWG resources

From Education & Outreach
  • Resource (or resources) around WCAG localization notice, such as the need to address language/culture differences while dealing with SC 1.4.8, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.1.6, and probably 1.4.3, 1.4.6. There is already a lot of info in the Understanding document and in i18n WG. I believe it will be useful if there is a focused resource to collect them (or link of them) together. Showing how WCAG got adopted around the world, for example how is Japan doing with JIS standard, to help (non-English) newcomer getting start. [Jedi]
    • How can we make WCAG more understandable for different countries and their user's needs?
    • We do have resources to help with updating our translations.
    • International guidance is something that W3C will want to work on more broadly.