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Ownership of rfc2119 statements
From MultilingualWeb-LT EC Project Wiki
The following table lists the ownership of RFC 2119 statements in the ITS 2.0 last call draft.
Number | Statement | Section | Testing provided by |
1 | The namespace URI that MUST be used by implementations of this specification is: | Notation | Schema |
2 | All attributes that have the type anyURI in the normative RELAX NG schema in MUST allow the usage of Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs, or its successor) to ease the adoption of ITS in international application scenarios. | Usage of Internationalized Resource Identifiers in ITS | Schema |
3 | 1-1: At least one of the following MUST be in the schema: | Conformance Type 1: ITS Markup Declarations | Schema |
4 | 1-2: If the rules element is used, it MUST be part of the content model of at least one element declared in the schema. It SHOULD be in a content model for meta information, if this is available in that schema (e.g. the head element in ). | Conformance Type 1: ITS Markup Declarations | Schema |
5 | Full implementations of this conformance type will implement all markup declarations for ITS. Statements related to this conformance type MUST list all markup declarations they implement. | Conformance Type 1: ITS Markup Declarations | Schema |
6 | 2-1: A processor MUST implement at least one data category. For each implemented data category, the following MUST be taken into account: | Conformance Type 2: The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup | All implementations |
7 | 2-2: If an application claims to process ITS markup for the global selection mechanism, it MUST process an XLink href attribute found on a rules elements. | Conformance Type 2: The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup | All global implementations |
8 | 2-3: If an application claims to process ITS markup implementing the conformance clauses 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3, it MUST process that markup with XML documents. | Conformance Type 2: The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup | All XML implementations |
9 | Statements related to this conformance type MUST list all data categories they implement, and for each data category which type of selection they support, whether they support processing of XML. If the implementation provides the conversion to NIF (see conformance clause 2-4), this MUST be stated. | Conformance Type 2: The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup | All XML implementations |
10 | 3-1: A processor MUST implement at least one data category. For each implemented data category, the following MUST be taken into account: | Conformance Type 3: Processing Expectations for ITS Markup in HTML | All HTML implementations |
11 | 3-2: If an application claims to process ITS markup for the global selection mechanism, it MUST process a href attribute found on a link elements which has a rel attribute with the value its-rules. | Conformance Type 3: Processing Expectations for ITS Markup in HTML | All HTML global implementations |
12 | 3-3: If an application claims to process ITS markup implementing the conformance clauses 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3, it MUST process that markup within HTML documents. | Conformance Type 3: Processing Expectations for ITS Markup in HTML | All HTML implementations |
13 | Statements related to this conformance type MUST list all data categories they implement, and for each data category which type of selection they support. | Conformance Type 3: Processing Expectations for ITS Markup in HTML | All HTML implementations |
14 | The version of the ITS schema defined in this specification is 2.0. The version is indicated by the ITS version attribute. This attribute is mandatory for the rules element, where it MUST be in no namespace. If there is no rules element in an XML document, a prefixed ITS version attribute (e.g. its:version) MUST be provided at the root element of the document. If there is both a version attribute at the root element and a rules element in a document, they MUST NOT specify different versions. | Indicating the Version of ITS | All implementations |
15 | If there is more than one rules element in an XML document, the rules from each section are to be processed at the same precedence level. The rules sections are to be read in document order, and the ITS rules with them processed sequentially. The versions of these rules elements MUST NOT be different. | Global, Rule-based Selection | All global implementations |
16 | The functionalities of adding information and pointing to existing information are mutually exclusive. That is to say, attributes for pointing and adding the same information must not appear at the same rule element. | Global, Rule-based Selection | Clarified and tested via the schema. See issue-59. |
17 | The absolute selector MUST be an XPath expression which starts with "/". That is, it must be an AbsoluteLocationPath or union of AbsoluteLocationPaths as described in XPath 1.0. This ensures that the selection is not relative to a specific location. The resulting nodes MUST be either element or attribute nodes. | Absolute selector | All global implementations |
18 | The relative selector MUST use a RelativeLocationPath or an AbsoluteLocationPath as described in XPath 1.0. The XPath expression is evaluated relative to the nodes selected by the selector attribute. | Relative selector | All global implementations |
19 | Absolute selector MUST be interpreted as selector as defined in Selectors Level 3. Both simple selectors and groups of selectors can be used. | Absolute selector | CSS global implementations. Feature at risk |
20 | Relative selector MUST be interpreted as selector as defined in Selectors Level 3. Selector is not evaluated against the complete document tree but only against subtrees rooted at nodes selected by selector in the selector attribute. | Relative selector | CSS global implementations. Feature at risk |
21 | ITS processors MAY support additional query languages. For each additional query language processor MUST define: | Additional query languages | n/A |
22 | Implementation MUST support the param element for all query languages it supports and which at the same time define how variables are bind for evaluation of selector expression. Implementations SHOULD also provide means for changing the default values of the param elements. Such means are implementation-specific. | Variables in selectors | All global implementations |
23 | The rules contained in the referenced document MUST be processed as if they were at the top of the rules element with the XLink href attribute. | Link to External Rules | All global implementations |
24 | Applications processing global ITS markup MUST recognize the XLink href attribute in the rules element; they MUST load the corresponding referenced document and process its rules element before processing the content of the rules element where the original XLink href attribute is. | Link to External Rules | All global implementations |
25 | The data category identifier MUST be one of the identifiers specified in the data category overview table. | ITS Tools Annotation | Handled by the Schematron schema |
26 | Values of attributes which corresponds to data categories with a predefined set of values MUST be matched case-insensitively. | Mapping of Local Data Categories to HTML | Done, see related mail |
27 | Inline global rules MUST be specified inside script which has type attribute with the value application/its+xml. The script element itself SHOULD be child of head element. Comments MUST NOT be used inside global rules. Each script element MUST NOT contain more than one rules element. | Global rules | ongoing update of test cases by Leroy |
28 | The constraints for Provenance standoff markup in HTML and Localization quality issues markup in HTML MUST be followed. | Standoff Markup in HTML | Provenancen and Localization Quality Issues. |
29 | Any node selected by the terminology data category with the termConfidence attribute specified MUST be contained in an element with the annotatorsRef (or in HTML its-annotators-ref) attribute specified for the Terminology data category. See for more information. | Implementation | Schematron schema |
30 | The element langRule is used to express the language of a given piece of content. The langPointer attribute points to the markup which expresses the language of the text selected by the selector attribute. This markup MUST use values that conform to. The recommended way to specify language identification is to use xml:lang in XML, and lang in HTML. The langRule element is intended only as a fall-back mechanism for documents where language is identified with another construct. | Definition | Language Information implementations |
31 | An optional domainMapping attribute that contains a comma separated list of mappings between values in the content and consumer tool specific values. The left part of the pair corresponds to the source content and is unique within the mapping and case-insensitive. The right part of the mapping belongs to the consumer tool. Several left parts can map to a single right part. The values in the left or the right part of the mapping may contain spaces; in that case they MUST be delimited by quotation marks, that is pairs of APOSTROPHE (U+0027) or QUOTATION MARK (U+0022). | Implementation | Test suite |
32 | When using disambiguation specifying the target identity, the user MUST use only one of the two addressing modes: | Implementation | Schema |
33 | An optional disambigGranularity attribute that contains a string, specifying the granularity level of the disambiguation. The value MUST be one of the following identifiers: lexical-concept, ontology-concept, or entity. The default value is entity. | Implementation | Schema |
34 | An optional disambigGranularity attribute that contains a string, specifying the granularity level of the disambiguation. The value MUST be one of the following identifiers: lexical-concept, ontology-concept, or entity. The default value is entity. | Implementation | Schema |
35 | Any node selected by the disambiguation data category with the disambigConfidence attribute specified MUST be contained in an element with the annotatorsRef (or in HTML its-annotators-ref) attribute specified for the disambiguation data category. For more information, see. | Implementation | Schematron schema |
36 | Implementations MUST NOT combine lists of language ranges from multiple rules or local attributes. | Implementation | Dropped, see issue-111 |
37 | In HTML the standoff markup MUST be stored inside a script element. It MUST have a type attribute with the value application/its+xml. Its id attribute MUST be set to the same value as the xml:id attribute of the provenanceRecords element it contains. | Implementation | updated by Leroy |
38 | A required idValue attribute. It contains an XPath expression which constructs a string corresponding to the identifier of the node to which this rule applies. The identifier MUST be unique at least within the document. If the attribute xml:id is present or id in HTML for the selected node, the value of the xml:id attribute or id in HTML MUST take precedence over the idValue value. | Implementation | Yves |
39 | ITS 2.0-compliant tools that use these types MUST map their internal values to these types. If the type of the issue is set to uncategorized, a comment MUST be specified as well. | Definition | Not covered yet, implementers may came back to it. |
40 | In HTML the standoff markup MUST be stored inside a script element. It MUST have a type attribute with the value application/its+xml. Its id attribute MUST be set to the same value as the xml:id attribute of the locQualityIssues element it contains. | Implementation | Localization Quality Issue implementations |
41 | Any node selected by the MT Confidence data category MUST be contained in an element with the annotatorsRef (or in HTML, its-annotators-ref) attribute specified for the MT Confidence data category. For more information, see. | Implementation | Schematron schema |
42 | The set of characters that are allowed is specified using a regular expression. That is, each character in the selected content MUST be included in the set specified by the regular expression. | Definition | Not ITS related constraint, see http://www.w3.org/2013/01/23-mlw-lt-irc#T16-49-19 |
43 | A storageEncoding attribute. It contains the name of the character set encoding used to calculate the number of bytes of the selected text. The name MUST be one of the names or aliases listed in the IANA Character Sets registry . The default value is UTF-8. | Implementation | Not ITS related constraint, ttp://www.w3.org/2013/01/23-mlw-lt-irc#T16-53-34 |
44 | An optional storageEncoding attribute. It contains the name of the character set encoding used to calculate the number of bytes of the selected text. The name MUST be one of the names or aliases listed in the IANA Character Sets registry . The default value is "UTF-8". | Implementation | See 44 |
45 | The values listed in the following table are allowed for locQualityIssueType. The values a tool implementing the data category produces for the attribute MUST match one of the values provided in this table and MUST be semantically accurate. If a tool can map its internal values to these types it MUST do so and MUST NOT use the value other, which is reserved strictly for values that cannot be mapped to these values. | Values for the Localization Quality Issue Type | Phil / Arle |
46 | This value MUST NOT be used for simple typographical errors or word choice not related to defined terminologies. For example, a mistyping of “pin” as “pen” or the use of “imply” instead of “infer” (mistaking two commonly confused words) would not count as terminology issues and should be categorized as either spelling errors or mistranslations, depending on the nature of the issue. Terminology refers only to cases where incorrect choices about terms (either formal or commonly defined in a domain) are involved. | Values for the Localization Quality Issue Type | Phil / Arle |
47 | This category allows for the inclusion of any issues not included in the previously listed values. This value MUST NOT be used for any tool- or model-specific issues that can be mapped to the values listed above. | Values for the Localization Quality Issue Type | Phil / Arle |
48 | If a system has an "miscellaneous" or "other" category, it MUST be mapped to this value even if the specific instance of the issue might be mapped to another category. | Values for the Localization Quality Issue Type | Phil / Arle |