Installing RPC under OS9

See also: Runtime support under OS9

From Unix

Under OS9, the installation is basically similar to installation under unix , which you should read.

The rpc compiler is not available to run under OS9 due to a lack of pascal compiler, so cross-compilation under unix or VMS (or MSDOS) is recommended.

The runtime files are under subdirectories "os9". Under that there is a subdirectory "TCPonly" which has a cut-down version built without RS232 and raw ethernet communication. The makefiles are set up for cross-compilation under ultrix, and the libraries exist in binary form. It is suggested, therefore, that you take the library rather than the source files, to save trouble and file space.

Using raw ethernet requires Tim Charity's ethernet driver -- if you don't have this, then use the TCPonly version.

From VMS

The file are available in a VMS save set, and may be picked up with the command $BACKUP VXCERN::DISK$D1:[RPC.DISTRIBUTION_KIT]RPC_OS9vvu.A/SAV [] where vvu is 024 for version 2.4 etc. The save set also contains a file of release notes. Read these for further instructions. Files may be copied to OS9 using the OS9PUT utility. The header file rpcheader.h should be put into the standard directory which will be searched by the C compiler. The source files are distributed in source (C) form for portability, and must then be compiled as described in the release notes.


Tim BL