Installing RPC under Unix

See also: Unix Runtime support , Building an application under unix , Installation on other systems

The files available are all under a rpc directory which you may get as a tar file. Under this directory is subdirectories rts/c with the c code. This in turn has subdirectories for each target unix-like system. Currently, these include vax_ultrix, next, os9, msdos, and sun4. Within each of these subdirectories is a Makefile. If you need to make a new subdirectory for a new target system, just copy a close match and edit it as necessary.

To configure the system, see the file syspec.h, which selects a system-specific xxx_specific.h include file (for example unix_specific.h). Modify the later for your own ends, to select for example the transport protocols which you wish to support on your system. Then, run make.

Similarly, under rpc/test/big are subdirectories for ach target system for the generation of the test software. Make a new subdirectory if necessary. Edit the Makefile, and the test* scripts to put in the name of your host machine, then run make and the script "test" to test the system (if unix).

The directory rpc/compiler contains the compiler (in pascal, needing "pc").

The files distributed include:-

The rpc compiler
The source of rpcc for compilation under different systems.
The general include file
An include file for ts.c
An include file for rpc code modules
The runtime kernel source
The transport service interface module
The transport service part specific to the medium xxx ( = tcp, eth, or v24)
The configuration manager
The fortran runtime interface
An include file which selects a suitable xxx_specific.h file
Include file with the characteristics of unix.
The C files must all be compiled and put into library rpclib.o. The separate library, rpclibc8k.a , is made in the same way but using the C compiler switch -DRPC_BUFFER_SIZE=8096. If you ever need to make any modifications to this software to run it on your system, please notify the changes to the address in the appendix "More Information". Thanks.